RAPTOR computes Pareto-optimal journeys byincreasing the number of allowable transfers in each round. It works directly on a timetable and does not requireany preprocessing. Currently supported varients of RAPTOR are:
For more information refer following:
Agarwal, P., & Rambha, T., 2021. Scalable Algorithms for Bicriterion Trip-Based Transit Routing (Under Review).(https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.06654)
Delling, D., Pajor, T. and Werneck, R.F., 2015. Round-based public transit routing. Transportation Science, 49(3), pp.591-604.(https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/abs/10.1287/trsc.2014.0534)
Delling, D., Dibbelt, J., Pajor, T. and Zündorf, T., 2017. Faster transit routing by hyper partitioning. In 17th Workshop on Algorithmic Approaches for Transportation Modelling, Optimization, and Systems (ATMOS 2017). Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik.(https://drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2017/7896/)