Source code for Algorithms.CSA.csa_functions

import pickle
from collections import defaultdict

import pandas as pd

[docs]def initialize_csa(SOURCE: int, WALKING_FROM_SOURCE: int, footpath_dict: dict, D_TIME) -> tuple: """ Initialize values for CSA. Args: SOURCE (int): stop id of source stop. WALKING_FROM_SOURCE (int): 1 or 0. 1 indicates walking from SOURCE is allowed. footpath_dict (dict): preprocessed dict. Format {from_stop_id: [(to_stop_id, footpath_time)]}. D_TIME (pandas.datetime): departure time. Returns: stop_label(dict): dict to maintain best arrival label {stop id: pandas.datetime}. trip_set(dict): dict to check if a trip has been scanned or not{ trip id: boolean}. pi_label(dict): dict used for backtracking labels. Format {stop id : label}. label is ("walking", from stop, to_stop, footpath duration) or ('connection', connection id) inf_time (pandas.datetime): Variable indicating infinite time. """ inf_time = pd.to_datetime("today").round(freq='H') + pd.to_timedelta("365 day") stop_label = defaultdict(lambda: inf_time) trip_set = defaultdict(lambda: False) pi_label = defaultdict(lambda: -1) stop_label[SOURCE] = D_TIME if WALKING_FROM_SOURCE == 1: try: for to_stop, duration in footpath_dict[SOURCE]: stop_label[to_stop] = D_TIME + duration pi_label[to_stop] = ("walking", SOURCE, to_stop, duration) except KeyError: pass return stop_label, trip_set, pi_label, inf_time
[docs]def load_connections_dict(NETWORK_NAME: str) -> list: """ loads connection array. Args: NETWORK_NAME (str): Network name Returns: connections_list (list): list of connections. Format: [[connection id, fro stop, to stop, from time, to time, trip id]] """ with open(f'./dict_builder/{NETWORK_NAME}/connections_dict_pkl.pkl', 'rb') as file: connections_list = pickle.load(file) return connections_list
[docs]def post_process_csa(SOURCE: int, DESTINATION: int, pi_label: dict, PRINT_ITINERARY: int, connections_list: list, stop_label: dict, inf_time) -> tuple: """ Post processing functions for CSA. Currently supported functionality are 1. Print complete journey Args: SOURCE (int): stop id of source stop. DESTINATION (int): stop id of destination stop. D_TIME (pandas.datetime): departure time. pi_label(dict): dict used for backtracking labels. Format {stop id : label}. label is ("walking", from stop, to_stop, footpath duration) PRINT_ITINERARY (int): 1 or 0. 1 means print complete path. connections_list (list): list of connections. Format: [[connection id, fro stop, to stop, from time, to time, trip id]] stop_label(dict): dict to maintain best arrival label {stop id: pandas.datetime}. inf_time (pandas.datetime): Variable indicating infinite time. Returns: output (tuple): If the destination is not reachable (None), else tuple containing the best arrival time. """ output = (None) if stop_label[DESTINATION]!=inf_time: output = (stop_label[DESTINATION]) if PRINT_ITINERARY == 1: current_stop = DESTINATION if pi_label[current_stop] == -1: print('DESTINATION cannot be reached') else: journey = [] while current_stop != SOURCE: current_label = pi_label[current_stop] # print(current_stop) if current_label[0] == 'connection': connect = connections_list[current_label[1]] # print(connect) journey.append(connect[1:]) current_stop = connect[1] else: footpath = current_label[1:] # print(footpath) journey.append(footpath) current_stop = current_label[1] connection_journey = list(reversed(journey)) _print_Journey_legs_csv(connection_journey) return output
def _print_Journey_legs_csv(journey: list)-> None: """ prints the legs of journey for CSA #TODO: Combine legs by trips to get better output Args: journey (list): list of optimal labels Returns: None """ for leg in journey: if len(leg) == 5: print(f"from {leg[0]} board at {leg[2].time()} and get down on {leg[1]} at {leg[3].time()} along {leg[4]}") else: print(f"from {leg[0]} walk till {leg[1]} for {leg[2].total_seconds()} seconds") return None