Source code for Algorithms.TBTR.TBTR_functions

Module contains function related to TBTR, rTBTR, One-To-Many rTBTR, HypTBTR
from collections import defaultdict

import pandas as pd

[docs]def initialize_tbtr(MAX_TRANSFER: int) -> dict: ''' Initialize values for TBTR. Returns: J (dict): dict to store arrival timestamps. Keys: number of transfer, Values: arrival time. inf_time (pandas.datetime): Variable indicating infinite time. Examples: >>> output = initialize_tbtr(4) >>> print(output) ''' inf_time = pd.to_datetime("today").round(freq='H') + pd.to_timedelta("365 day") # inf_time = pd.to_datetime("2023-01-26 20:00:00") J = {x: [inf_time, 0] for x in range(MAX_TRANSFER + 1)} return J
[docs]def initialize_onemany(MAX_TRANSFER: int, DESTINATION_LIST: list) -> tuple: ''' Initialize values for one-to-many TBTR. Args: MAX_TRANSFER (int): maximum transfer limit. DESTINATION_LIST (list): list of stop ids of destination stop. Returns: J (dict): dict to store arrival timestamps. Keys: number of transfer, Values: arrival time. inf_time (pandas.datetime): Variable indicating infinite time. Examples: >>> output = initialize_onemany(4, [1482]) >>> print(output) ''' inf_time = pd.to_datetime("today").round(freq='H') + pd.to_timedelta("365 day") # inf_time = pd.to_datetime("2023-01-26 20:00:00") J = {desti: {x: [inf_time, 0] for x in range(MAX_TRANSFER + 1)} for desti in DESTINATION_LIST} return J, inf_time
[docs]def initialize_from_desti(routes_by_stop_dict: dict, stops_dict: dict, DESTINATION: int, footpath_dict: dict, idx_by_route_stop_dict: dict) -> dict: ''' Initialize routes/footpath to leading to destination stop. Args: routes_by_stop_dict (dict): preprocessed dict. Format {stop_id: [id of routes passing through stop]}. stops_dict (dict): preprocessed dict. Format {route_id: [ids of stops in the route]}. DESTINATION (int): stop id of destination stop. footpath_dict (dict): preprocessed dict. Format {from_stop_id: [(to_stop_id, footpath_time)]}. idx_by_route_stop_dict (dict): preprocessed dict. Format {(route id, stop id): stop index in route}. Returns: L (dict): A dict to track routes/leading to destination stop. Format {route_id: (from_stop_idx, travel time, stop id)} Examples: >>> output = initialize_from_desti(routes_by_stop_dict, stops_dict, 1482, footpath_dict, idx_by_route_stop_dict) >>> print(output) ''' L_dict = defaultdict(lambda: []) try: transfer_to_desti = footpath_dict[DESTINATION] for from_stop, foot_time in transfer_to_desti: try: walkalble_desti_route = routes_by_stop_dict[from_stop] for route in walkalble_desti_route: L_dict[route].append((idx_by_route_stop_dict[(route, from_stop)], foot_time, from_stop)) except KeyError: pass except KeyError: pass delta_tau = pd.to_timedelta(0, unit="seconds") for route in routes_by_stop_dict[DESTINATION]: L_dict[route].append((idx_by_route_stop_dict[(route, DESTINATION)], delta_tau, DESTINATION)) return dict(L_dict)
[docs]def initialize_from_desti_onemany(routes_by_stop_dict: dict, stops_dict: dict, DESTINATION_LIST: list, footpath_dict: dict, idx_by_route_stop_dict: dict) -> dict: ''' Initialize routes/footpath to leading to destination stop in case of one-to-many rTBTR Args: routes_by_stop_dict (dict): preprocessed dict. Format {stop_id: [id of routes passing through stop]}. stops_dict (dict): preprocessed dict. Format {route_id: [ids of stops in the route]}. DESTINATION_LIST (list): list of stop ids of destination stop. footpath_dict (dict): preprocessed dict. Format {from_stop_id: [(to_stop_id, footpath_time)]}. idx_by_route_stop_dict (dict): preprocessed dict. Format {(route id, stop id): stop index in route}. Returns: L (nested dict): A dict to track routes/leading to destination stops. Key: route_id, value: {destination_stop_id: [(from_stop_idx, travel time, stop id)]} Examples: >>> output = initialize_from_desti_onemany(routes_by_stop_dict, stops_dict, [1482], footpath_dict, idx_by_route_stop_dict) >>> print(output) ''' L_dict_final = {} for destination in DESTINATION_LIST: L_dict = defaultdict(lambda: []) try: transfer_to_desti = footpath_dict[destination] for from_stop, foot_time in transfer_to_desti: try: walkalble_desti_route = routes_by_stop_dict[from_stop] for route in walkalble_desti_route: L_dict[route].append((idx_by_route_stop_dict[(route, from_stop)], foot_time, from_stop)) except KeyError: pass except KeyError: pass delta_tau = pd.to_timedelta(0, unit="seconds") for route in routes_by_stop_dict[destination]: L_dict[route].append((idx_by_route_stop_dict[(route, destination)], delta_tau, destination)) L_dict_final[destination] = dict(L_dict) return L_dict_final
[docs]def initialize_from_source(footpath_dict: dict, SOURCE: int, routes_by_stop_dict: dict, stops_dict: dict, stoptimes_dict: dict, D_TIME, MAX_TRANSFER: int, WALKING_FROM_SOURCE: int, idx_by_route_stop_dict: dict) -> tuple: ''' Initialize trips segments from source stop. Args: footpath_dict (dict): preprocessed dict. Format {from_stop_id: [(to_stop_id, footpath_time)]}. SOURCE (int): stop id of source stop. routes_by_stop_dict (dict): preprocessed dict. Format {stop_id: [id of routes passing through stop]}. stops_dict (dict): preprocessed dict. Format {route_id: [ids of stops in the route]}. stoptimes_dict (dict): preprocessed dict. Format {route_id: [[trip_1], [trip_2]]}. D_TIME (pandas.datetime): departure time. MAX_TRANSFER (int): maximum transfer limit. WALKING_FROM_SOURCE (int): 1 or 0. 1 means walking from SOURCE is allowed. idx_by_route_stop_dict (dict): preprocessed dict. Format {(route id, stop id): stop index in route}. Returns: R_t (dict): dict to store first reached stop of every trip. Format {trip_id: first reached stop} Q (list): list of trips segments Examples: >>> output = initialize_from_source(footpath_dict, 20775, routes_by_stop_dict, stops_dict, stoptimes_dict, pd.to_datetime('2019-06-10 00:00:00'), 4, 1, idx_by_route_stop_dict) >>> print(output) ''' Q = [[] for x in range(MAX_TRANSFER + 2)] # R_t = {f"{r}_{tid}": 1000 for r, r_trips in stoptimes_dict.items() for tid in range(len(r_trips))} R_t = defaultdict(lambda: 1000) # assuming maximum route length is 1000 connection_list = [] if WALKING_FROM_SOURCE == 1: try: source_footpaths = footpath_dict[SOURCE] for connection in source_footpaths: footpath_time = connection[1] walkable_source_routes = routes_by_stop_dict[connection[0]] for route in walkable_source_routes: stop_index = idx_by_route_stop_dict[(route, connection[0])] route_trip = stoptimes_dict[route] for trip_idx, trip in enumerate(route_trip): if D_TIME + footpath_time <= trip[stop_index][1]: connection_list.append((f'{route}_{trip_idx}', stop_index)) break except KeyError: pass # delta_tau = pd.to_timedelta(0, unit="seconds") for route in routes_by_stop_dict[SOURCE]: stop_index = idx_by_route_stop_dict[(route, SOURCE)] route_trip = stoptimes_dict[route] for trip_idx, trip in enumerate(route_trip): if D_TIME <= trip[stop_index][1]: connection_list.append((f'{route}_{trip_idx}', stop_index)) break enqueue(connection_list, 1, (0, 0), R_t, Q, stoptimes_dict) return R_t, Q
[docs]def enqueue(connection_list: list, nextround: int, predecessor_label: tuple, R_t: dict, Q: list, stoptimes_dict: dict) -> None: ''' Main enqueue function used in TBTR to add trips segments to next round and update first reached stop of each trip. Args: connection_list (list): list of connections to be added. Format: [(to_trip_id, to_trip_id_stop_index)]. nextround (int): next round/transfer number to which trip-segments are added. predecessor_label (tuple): used for backtracking journey ( To be developed ). R_t (dict): dict with keys as trip id. Format {trip_id : first reached stop}. Q (list): list of trips segments. stoptimes_dict (dict): preprocessed dict. Format {route_id: [[trip_1], [trip_2]]}. Returns: None ''' for to_trip_id, to_trip_id_stop in connection_list: if to_trip_id_stop < R_t[to_trip_id]: route, tid = [int(x) for x in to_trip_id.split("_")] Q[nextround].append((to_trip_id_stop, to_trip_id, R_t[to_trip_id], route, tid, predecessor_label)) for x in range(tid, len(stoptimes_dict[route])): new_tid = f"{route}_{x}" # R_t[new_tid] = min(R_t[new_tid], to_trip_id_stop) if R_t[new_tid] > to_trip_id_stop: R_t[new_tid] = to_trip_id_stop
[docs]def update_label(label, no_of_transfer: int, predecessor_label: tuple, J: dict, MAX_TRANSFER: int) -> dict: ''' Updates and returns destination pareto set. Args: label (pandas.datetime): optimal arrival time . no_of_transfer (int): number of transfer. predecessor_label (tuple): predecessor_label for backtracking (To be developed) J (dict): dict to store arrival timestamps. Keys: number of transfer, Values: arrival time MAX_TRANSFER (int): maximum transfer limit. Returns: J (dict): dict to store arrival timestamps. Keys: number of transfer, Values: arrival time ''' J[no_of_transfer][1] = predecessor_label for x in range(no_of_transfer, MAX_TRANSFER + 1): if J[x][0] > label: J[x][0] = label return J
[docs]def post_process_range(J: dict, Q: list, rounds_desti_reached: list, PRINT_ITINERARY: int, DESTINATION: int, SOURCE: int, footpath_dict: dict, stops_dict: dict, stoptimes_dict: dict, d_time, MAX_TRANSFER: int, trip_transfer_dict: dict) -> set: ''' Contains all the post-processing features for rTBTR. Currently supported functionality: Collect list of trips needed to cover pareto-optimal journeys. Args: J (dict): dict to store arrival timestamps. Keys: number of transfer, Values: arrival time Q (list): list of trips segments. rounds_desti_reached (list): Rounds in which DESTINATION is reached. PRINT_ITINERARY (int): 1 or 0. 1 means print complete path. DESTINATION (int): stop id of destination stop. SOURCE (int): stop id of source stop. footpath_dict (dict): preprocessed dict. Format {from_stop_id: [(to_stop_id, footpath_time)]}. stops_dict (dict): preprocessed dict. Format {route_id: [ids of stops in the route]}. stoptimes_dict (dict): preprocessed dict. Format {route_id: [[trip_1], [trip_2]]}. D_TIME (pandas.datetime): departure time. MAX_TRANSFER (int): maximum transfer limit. trip_transfer_dict (nested dict): keys: id of trip we are transferring from, value: {stop number: list of tuples Returns: necessory_trips (set): trips needed to cover pareto-optimal journeys. ''' rounds_desti_reached = list(set(rounds_desti_reached)) if PRINT_ITINERARY == 1: _print_tbtr_journey(J, Q, DESTINATION, SOURCE, footpath_dict, stops_dict, stoptimes_dict, d_time, MAX_TRANSFER, trip_transfer_dict, rounds_desti_reached) necessory_trips = [] for transfer_needed in reversed(rounds_desti_reached): no_of_transfer = transfer_needed current_trip = J[transfer_needed][1][0] journey = [] while current_trip != 0: journey.append(current_trip) current_trip = [x for x in Q[no_of_transfer] if x[1] == current_trip][-1][-1][0] no_of_transfer = no_of_transfer - 1 necessory_trips.extend(journey) return set(necessory_trips)
[docs]def initialize_from_source_range(dep_details: list, MAX_TRANSFER: int, stoptimes_dict: dict, R_t: dict) -> list: ''' Initialize trips segments from source in rTBTR Args: dep_details (list): list of format [trip id, departure time, source index] MAX_TRANSFER (int): maximum transfer limit. stoptimes_dict (dict): preprocessed dict. Format {route_id: [[trip_1], [trip_2]]}. R_t (nested dict): Nested_Dict with primary keys as trip id and secondary keys as number of transfers. Format {trip_id: {[round]: first reached stop}} Returns: Q (list): list of trips segments ''' Q = [[] for x in range(MAX_TRANSFER + 2)] route, trip_idx = [int(x) for x in dep_details[0].split("_")] stop_index = dep_details[2] # _enqueue_range1(f'{route}_{trip_idx}', stop_index, n, (0, 0), R_t, Q, stoptimes_dict, MAX_TRANSFER) connection_list = [(f'{route}_{trip_idx}', stop_index)] enqueue_range(connection_list, 1, (0, 0), R_t, Q, stoptimes_dict, MAX_TRANSFER) return Q
[docs]def enqueue_range(connection_list: list, nextround: int, predecessor_label: tuple, R_t: dict, Q: list, stoptimes_dict: dict, MAX_TRANSFER: int) -> None: ''' Adds trips-segments to next round and update R_t. Used in range queries Args: connection_list (list): list of connections to be added. Format: [(to_trip_id, to_trip_id_stop_index)]. nextround (int): next round/transfer number to which trip-segments are added predecessor_label (tuple): predecessor_label for backtracking journey ( To be developed ). R_t (nested dict): Nested_Dict with primary keys as trip id and secondary keys as number of transfers. Format {trip_id: {[round]: first reached stop}} Q (list): list of trips segments stoptimes_dict (dict): preprocessed dict. Format {route_id: [[trip_1], [trip_2]]}. MAX_TRANSFER (int): maximum transfer limit. Returns: None ''' for to_trip_id, to_trip_id_stop in connection_list: if to_trip_id_stop < R_t[nextround][to_trip_id]: route, tid = [int(x) for x in to_trip_id.split("_")] Q[nextround].append((to_trip_id_stop, to_trip_id, R_t[nextround][to_trip_id], route, tid, predecessor_label)) for x in range(tid, len(stoptimes_dict[route]) + 1): for r in range(nextround, MAX_TRANSFER + 1): new_tid = f"{route}_{x}" if R_t[r][new_tid] > to_trip_id_stop: R_t[r][new_tid] = to_trip_id_stop
[docs]def post_process_range_onemany(J: dict, Q: list, rounds_desti_reached: list, PRINT_ITINERARY: int, desti: int, SOURCE: int, footpath_dict: dict, stops_dict: dict, stoptimes_dict: dict, d_time, MAX_TRANSFER: int, trip_transfer_dict: dict) -> set: ''' Contains all the post-processing features for One-To-Many rTBTR. Currently supported functionality: Collect list of trips needed to cover pareto-optimal journeys. Args: J (dict): dict to store arrival timestamps. Keys: number of transfer, Values: arrival time Q (list): list of trips segments. rounds_desti_reached (list): Rounds in which DESTINATION is reached. PRINT_ITINERARY (int): 1 or 0. 1 means print complete path. desti (int): stop id of destination stop. SOURCE (int): stop id of source stop. footpath_dict (dict): preprocessed dict. Format {from_stop_id: [(to_stop_id, footpath_time)]}. stops_dict (dict): preprocessed dict. Format {route_id: [ids of stops in the route]}. stoptimes_dict (dict): preprocessed dict. Format {route_id: [[trip_1], [trip_2]]}. d_time (pandas.datetime): departure time. MAX_TRANSFER (int): maximum transfer limit. trip_transfer_dict (nested dict): keys: id of trip we are transferring from, value: {stop number: list of tuples Returns: TBTR_out (set): Trips needed to cover pareto-optimal journeys. ''' rounds_desti_reached = list(set(rounds_desti_reached)) if PRINT_ITINERARY == 1: _print_tbtr_journey_otm(J, Q, desti, SOURCE, footpath_dict, stops_dict, stoptimes_dict, d_time, MAX_TRANSFER, trip_transfer_dict, rounds_desti_reached) TBTR_out = [] for transfer_needed in reversed(rounds_desti_reached): no_of_transfer = transfer_needed current_trip = J[desti][transfer_needed][1][0] journey = [] while current_trip != 0: journey.append(current_trip) current_trip = [x for x in Q[no_of_transfer] if x[1] == current_trip][-1][-1][0] no_of_transfer = no_of_transfer - 1 TBTR_out.extend(journey) return set(TBTR_out)
[docs]def post_process(J: dict, Q: list, DESTINATION: int, SOURCE: int, footpath_dict: dict, stops_dict: dict, stoptimes_dict: dict, PRINT_ITINERARY: int, D_TIME, MAX_TRANSFER: int, trip_transfer_dict: dict) -> list: ''' Contains post-processing features for TBTR. Currently supported functionality: Collect pareto-optimal arrival timestamps. Args: J (dict): dict to store arrival timestamps. Keys: number of transfer, Values: arrival time Q (list): list of trips segments. DESTINATION (int): stop id of destination stop. SOURCE (int): stop id of source stop. footpath_dict (dict): preprocessed dict. Format {from_stop_id: [(to_stop_id, footpath_time)]}. stops_dict (dict): preprocessed dict. Format {route_id: [ids of stops in the route]}. stoptimes_dict (dict): preprocessed dict. Format {route_id: [[trip_1], [trip_2]]}. PRINT_ITINERARY (int): 1 or 0. 1 means print complete path. D_TIME (pandas.datetime): departure time. MAX_TRANSFER (int): maximum transfer limit. trip_transfer_dict (nested dict): keys: id of trip we are transferring from, value: {stop number: list of tuples Returns: TBTR_out (list): pareto-optimal arrival timestamps. ''' rounds_desti_reached = [roundno for roundno in range(1, MAX_TRANSFER + 1) if J[roundno][1] != 0] if rounds_desti_reached == []: if PRINT_ITINERARY == 1: print('DESTINATION cannot be reached with given MAX_TRANSFERS') # return -1 else: if PRINT_ITINERARY == 1: _print_tbtr_journey(J, Q, DESTINATION, SOURCE, footpath_dict, stops_dict, stoptimes_dict, D_TIME, MAX_TRANSFER, trip_transfer_dict, rounds_desti_reached) TBTR_out = [] for x in reversed(rounds_desti_reached): TBTR_out.append(J[x][0]) return TBTR_out
def _print_tbtr_journey(J: dict, Q: list, DESTINATION: int, SOURCE: int, footpath_dict: dict, stops_dict: dict, stoptimes_dict: dict, D_TIME, MAX_TRANSFER: int, trip_transfer_dict: dict, rounds_desti_reached: list) -> None: """ Prints the output of TBTR Args: J (dict): dict to store arrival timestamps. Keys: number of transfer, Values: arrival time Q (list): list of trips segments. DESTINATION (int): stop id of destination stop. SOURCE (int): stop id of source stop. footpath_dict (dict): preprocessed dict. Format {from_stop_id: [(to_stop_id, footpath_time)]}. stops_dict (dict): preprocessed dict. Format {route_id: [ids of stops in the route]}. stoptimes_dict (dict): preprocessed dict. Format {route_id: [[trip_1], [trip_2]]}. D_TIME (pandas.datetime): departure time. MAX_TRANSFER (int): maximum transfer limit. trip_transfer_dict (nested dict): keys: id of trip we are transferring from, value: {stop number: list of tuples rounds_desti_reached (list): Rounds in which DESTINATION is reached. Returns: None Examples: >>> _print_tbtr_journey(J, Q, DESTINATION, SOURCE, footpath_dict, stops_dict, stoptimes_dict, D_TIME, MAX_TRANSFER, trip_transfer_dict, rounds_desti_reached) TODO: Build a better backtracking system for TBTR """ for x in reversed(rounds_desti_reached): round_no = x journey = [] trip_segement_counter = J[x][1][2] while round_no > 0: pred = Q[round_no][trip_segement_counter] journey.append((pred[5][0], pred[1], pred[0])) trip_segement_counter = pred[5][1] round_no = round_no - 1 from_stop_list = [] for id, t_transfer in enumerate(journey[:-1]): from_Stop_onwards = journey[id + 1][2] for from_stop, trasnsfer_list in trip_transfer_dict[t_transfer[0]].items(): if from_stop < from_Stop_onwards: continue else: if (t_transfer[1], t_transfer[2]) in trasnsfer_list: from_stop_list.append(from_stop) journey_final = [(journey[counter][0], x, journey[counter][1], journey[counter][2]) for counter, x in enumerate(from_stop_list)] # from source from_trip, from_stop_idxx = journey[-1][1], journey[-1][2] fromstopid = stops_dict[int(from_trip.split("_")[0])][from_stop_idxx] if fromstopid == SOURCE: journey_final.append(("trip", 0, from_trip, from_stop_idxx)) else: for to_stop, to_time in footpath_dict[fromstopid]: if to_stop == SOURCE: journey_final.append(("walk", SOURCE, fromstopid, to_time + D_TIME)) break # Add final lag. Destination can either be along the route or at a walking distance from it. if J[x][1][1] != (0, 0): # Add here if the destination is at walking distance from final route try: final_route, boarded_from = int(journey_final[0][2].split("_")[0]), journey_final[0][3] found = 0 for walking_from_stop_idx, stop_id in enumerate(stops_dict[final_route]): if walking_from_stop_idx < boarded_from: continue try: for to_stop, to_stop_time in footpath_dict[stop_id]: if to_stop == DESTINATION: found = 1 journey_final.insert(0, ("walk", journey_final[0][2], boarded_from, walking_from_stop_idx, to_stop_time)) # walking_pointer, from_trip, from_stop, to_stop break except KeyError: continue if found == 1: break except AttributeError: if len(journey_final) == 1: final_route = int(J[x][1][0].split("_")[0]) boarded_from = stops_dict[final_route].index(journey_final[0][2]) found = 0 for walking_from_stop_idx, stop_id in enumerate(stops_dict[final_route]): if walking_from_stop_idx < boarded_from: continue try: for to_stop, to_stop_time in footpath_dict[stop_id]: if to_stop == DESTINATION: found = 1 journey_final.insert(0, ( "walk", J[x][1][0], boarded_from, walking_from_stop_idx, to_stop_time)) # walking_pointer, from_trip, from_stop, to_stop break except KeyError: continue if found == 1: break else: raise NameError else: # Destination is along the route. try: final_route, boarded_from = int(journey_final[0][2].split("_")[0]), journey_final[0][3] desti_index = stops_dict[final_route].index(DESTINATION) journey_final.insert(0, ("trip", journey_final[0][2], boarded_from, desti_index)) # walking_pointer, from_trip, from_stop, to_stop except AttributeError: if len(journey_final) == 1: final_route = int(J[x][1][0].split("_")[0]) boarded_from = stops_dict[final_route].index(journey_final[0][2]) desti_index = stops_dict[final_route].index(DESTINATION) journey_final.insert(0, ("trip", J[x][1][0], boarded_from, desti_index)) # walking_pointer, from_trip, from_stop, to_stop if journey_final == []: tid = [int(x) for x in journey[0][1].split("_")] tostop_det = stops_dict[tid[0]].index(DESTINATION) journey_final.append((journey[0][1], stoptimes_dict[tid[0]][tid[1]][journey[0][2]], stoptimes_dict[tid[0]][tid[1]][tostop_det])) journey_final.reverse() journey_final_copy = journey_final.copy() journey_final.clear() for c, leg in enumerate(journey_final_copy): if c == 0: if leg[0] == "trip": [trip_route, numb], fromstopidx = [int(x) for x in leg[2].split("_")], leg[3] try: journey_final.append( [leg[2], stoptimes_dict[trip_route][numb][fromstopidx], stoptimes_dict[trip_route][numb][journey_final_copy[c + 1][1]]]) except TypeError: try: journey_final.append([leg[2], stoptimes_dict[trip_route][numb][fromstopidx], stoptimes_dict[trip_route][numb][stops_dict[trip_route].index(DESTINATION)]]) break except ValueError: journey_final.append( [leg[2], stoptimes_dict[trip_route][numb][fromstopidx], stoptimes_dict[trip_route][numb][journey_final_copy[c + 1][3]]]) elif leg[0] == "walk": journey_final.append(("walk", leg[1], leg[2], [time for stop, time in footpath_dict[leg[1]] if stop == leg[2]][0])) elif c == len(journey_final_copy) - 1: if leg[0] == "trip": [trip_route, numb], fromstopidx, tostopidx = [int(x) for x in leg[1].split("_")], leg[2], leg[3] journey_final.append([leg[1], stoptimes_dict[trip_route][numb][fromstopidx], stoptimes_dict[trip_route][numb][tostopidx]]) elif leg[0] == "walk": from_trip = [int(x) for x in leg[1].split("_")] journey_final.append((leg[1], stoptimes_dict[from_trip[0]][from_trip[1]][leg[2]], stoptimes_dict[from_trip[0]][from_trip[1]][leg[3]])) foot_connect = stoptimes_dict[from_trip[0]][from_trip[1]][leg[3]] last_foot_tme = [time for stop, time in footpath_dict[foot_connect[0]] if stop == DESTINATION][0] journey_final.append( ("walk", foot_connect[0], DESTINATION, last_foot_tme, stoptimes_dict[from_trip[0]][from_trip[1]][leg[3]][1] + last_foot_tme)) else: if c == 1: if journey_final_copy[c - 1][0] == "walk": [trip_route, numb], tostopidx = [int(x) for x in leg[0].split("_")], leg[1] fromstopidx = stops_dict[trip_route].index(journey_final_copy[c - 1][2]) journey_final.append([leg[0], stoptimes_dict[trip_route][numb][fromstopidx], stoptimes_dict[trip_route][numb][tostopidx]]) elif journey_final_copy[c - 1][0] == "trip": [trip_route, numb], tostopidx = [int(x) for x in leg[0].split("_")], leg[1] fromstopidx = stops_dict[trip_route].index(SOURCE) if [leg[0], stoptimes_dict[trip_route][numb][fromstopidx], stoptimes_dict[trip_route][numb][tostopidx]] not in journey_final: journey_final.append([leg[0], stoptimes_dict[trip_route][numb][fromstopidx], stoptimes_dict[trip_route][numb][tostopidx]]) from_stop = stops_dict[int(journey_final_copy[c][0].split("_")[0])][int(journey_final_copy[c][1])] to_stop = stops_dict[int(journey_final_copy[c][2].split("_")[0])][int(journey_final_copy[c][3])] if from_stop != to_stop: time_needed = [x[1] for x in footpath_dict[from_stop] if x[0] == to_stop][0] journey_final.append(("walk", from_stop, to_stop, time_needed)) if c + 1 != len(journey_final_copy) - 1: [trip_route, numb], fromstopidx = [int(x) for x in leg[2].split("_")], leg[3] journey_final.append( [leg[2], stoptimes_dict[trip_route][numb][fromstopidx], stoptimes_dict[trip_route][numb][journey_final_copy[c + 1][1]]]) elif from_stop == to_stop: if c + 1 != len(journey_final_copy) - 1: [trip_route, numb], fromstopidx = [int(x) for x in leg[2].split("_")], leg[3] journey_final.append( [leg[2], stoptimes_dict[trip_route][numb][fromstopidx], stoptimes_dict[trip_route][numb][journey_final_copy[c + 1][1]]]) for leg in journey_final: if leg[0] == "walk": print(f"from {leg[1]} walk till {leg[2]} for {leg[3].total_seconds()} seconds") else: print(f"from {leg[1][0]} board at {leg[1][1].time()} and get down on {leg[2][0]} at {leg[2][1].time()} along {leg[0]}") print("####################################") return None def _print_tbtr_journey_otm(J: dict, Q: list, DESTINATION: int, SOURCE: int, footpath_dict: dict, stops_dict: dict, stoptimes_dict: dict, D_TIME, MAX_TRANSFER: int, trip_transfer_dict: dict, rounds_desti_reached: list) -> None: """ Prints the output of TBTR Args: J (dict): dict to store arrival timestamps. Keys: number of transfer, Values: arrival time Q (list): list of trips segments. DESTINATION (int): stop id of destination stop. SOURCE (int): stop id of source stop. footpath_dict (dict): preprocessed dict. Format {from_stop_id: [(to_stop_id, footpath_time)]}. stops_dict (dict): preprocessed dict. Format {route_id: [ids of stops in the route]}. stoptimes_dict (dict): preprocessed dict. Format {route_id: [[trip_1], [trip_2]]}. D_TIME (pandas.datetime): departure time. MAX_TRANSFER (int): maximum transfer limit. trip_transfer_dict (nested dict): keys: id of trip we are transferring from, value: {stop number: list of tuples rounds_desti_reached (list): Rounds in which DESTINATION is reached. Returns: None Examples: >>> _print_tbtr_journey(J, Q, DESTINATION, SOURCE, footpath_dict, stops_dict, stoptimes_dict, D_TIME, MAX_TRANSFER, trip_transfer_dict, rounds_desti_reached) TODO: Build a better backtracking system for TBTR """ for x in reversed(rounds_desti_reached): round_no = x journey = [] trip_segement_counter = J[DESTINATION][x][1][2] while round_no > 0: pred = Q[round_no][trip_segement_counter] journey.append((pred[5][0], pred[1], pred[0])) trip_segement_counter = pred[5][1] round_no = round_no - 1 from_stop_list = [] for id, t_transfer in enumerate(journey[:-1]): from_Stop_onwards = journey[id + 1][2] for from_stop, trasnsfer_list in trip_transfer_dict[t_transfer[0]].items(): if from_stop < from_Stop_onwards: continue else: if (t_transfer[1], t_transfer[2]) in trasnsfer_list: from_stop_list.append(from_stop) journey_final = [(journey[counter][0], x, journey[counter][1], journey[counter][2]) for counter, x in enumerate(from_stop_list)] # from source from_trip, from_stop_idxx = journey[-1][1], journey[-1][2] fromstopid = stops_dict[int(from_trip.split("_")[0])][from_stop_idxx] if fromstopid == SOURCE: journey_final.append(("trip", 0, from_trip, from_stop_idxx)) else: for to_stop, to_time in footpath_dict[fromstopid]: if to_stop == SOURCE: journey_final.append(("walk", SOURCE, fromstopid, to_time + D_TIME)) break # Add final lag. Destination can either be along the route or at a walking distance from it. if J[DESTINATION][x][1][1] != (0, 0): # Add here if the destination is at walking distance from final route try: final_route, boarded_from = int(journey_final[0][2].split("_")[0]), journey_final[0][3] found = 0 for walking_from_stop_idx, stop_id in enumerate(stops_dict[final_route]): if walking_from_stop_idx < boarded_from: continue try: for to_stop, to_stop_time in footpath_dict[stop_id]: if to_stop == DESTINATION: found = 1 journey_final.insert(0, ("walk", journey_final[0][2], boarded_from, walking_from_stop_idx, to_stop_time)) # walking_pointer, from_trip, from_stop, to_stop break except KeyError: continue if found == 1: break except AttributeError: if len(journey_final) == 1: final_route = int(J[DESTINATION][x][1][0].split("_")[0]) boarded_from = stops_dict[final_route].index(journey_final[0][2]) found = 0 for walking_from_stop_idx, stop_id in enumerate(stops_dict[final_route]): if walking_from_stop_idx < boarded_from: continue try: for to_stop, to_stop_time in footpath_dict[stop_id]: if to_stop == DESTINATION: found = 1 journey_final.insert(0, ("walk", J[DESTINATION][x][1][0], boarded_from, walking_from_stop_idx, to_stop_time)) # walking_pointer, from_trip, from_stop, to_stop break except KeyError: continue if found == 1: break else: raise NameError else: # Destination is along the route. try: final_route, boarded_from = int(journey_final[0][2].split("_")[0]), journey_final[0][3] desti_index = stops_dict[final_route].index(DESTINATION) journey_final.insert(0, ("trip", journey_final[0][2], boarded_from, desti_index)) # walking_pointer, from_trip, from_stop, to_stop except AttributeError: if len(journey_final) == 1: final_route = int(J[DESTINATION][x][1][0].split("_")[0]) boarded_from = stops_dict[final_route].index(journey_final[0][2]) desti_index = stops_dict[final_route].index(DESTINATION) journey_final.insert(0, ("trip", J[x][1][0], boarded_from, desti_index)) # walking_pointer, from_trip, from_stop, to_stop if journey_final == []: tid = [int(x) for x in journey[0][1].split("_")] tostop_det = stops_dict[tid[0]].index(DESTINATION) journey_final.append((journey[0][1], stoptimes_dict[tid[0]][tid[1]][journey[0][2]], stoptimes_dict[tid[0]][tid[1]][tostop_det])) journey_final.reverse() journey_final_copy = journey_final.copy() journey_final.clear() for c, leg in enumerate(journey_final_copy): if c == 0: if leg[0] == "trip": [trip_route, numb], fromstopidx = [int(x) for x in leg[2].split("_")], leg[3] try: journey_final.append( [leg[2], stoptimes_dict[trip_route][numb][fromstopidx], stoptimes_dict[trip_route][numb][journey_final_copy[c + 1][1]]]) except TypeError: try: journey_final.append([leg[2], stoptimes_dict[trip_route][numb][fromstopidx], stoptimes_dict[trip_route][numb][stops_dict[trip_route].index(DESTINATION)]]) break except ValueError: journey_final.append( [leg[2], stoptimes_dict[trip_route][numb][fromstopidx], stoptimes_dict[trip_route][numb][journey_final_copy[c + 1][3]]]) elif leg[0] == "walk": journey_final.append(("walk", leg[1], leg[2], [time for stop, time in footpath_dict[leg[1]] if stop == leg[2]][0])) elif c == len(journey_final_copy) - 1: if leg[0] == "trip": [trip_route, numb], fromstopidx, tostopidx = [int(x) for x in leg[1].split("_")], leg[2], leg[3] journey_final.append([leg[1], stoptimes_dict[trip_route][numb][fromstopidx], stoptimes_dict[trip_route][numb][tostopidx]]) elif leg[0] == "walk": from_trip = [int(x) for x in leg[1].split("_")] journey_final.append((leg[1], stoptimes_dict[from_trip[0]][from_trip[1]][leg[2]], stoptimes_dict[from_trip[0]][from_trip[1]][leg[3]])) foot_connect = stoptimes_dict[from_trip[0]][from_trip[1]][leg[3]] last_foot_tme = [time for stop, time in footpath_dict[foot_connect[0]] if stop == DESTINATION][0] journey_final.append( ("walk", foot_connect[0], DESTINATION, last_foot_tme, stoptimes_dict[from_trip[0]][from_trip[1]][leg[3]][1] + last_foot_tme)) else: if c == 1: if journey_final_copy[c - 1][0] == "walk": [trip_route, numb], tostopidx = [int(x) for x in leg[0].split("_")], leg[1] fromstopidx = stops_dict[trip_route].index(journey_final_copy[c - 1][2]) journey_final.append([leg[0], stoptimes_dict[trip_route][numb][fromstopidx], stoptimes_dict[trip_route][numb][tostopidx]]) elif journey_final_copy[c - 1][0] == "trip": [trip_route, numb], tostopidx = [int(x) for x in leg[0].split("_")], leg[1] fromstopidx = stops_dict[trip_route].index(SOURCE) if [leg[0], stoptimes_dict[trip_route][numb][fromstopidx], stoptimes_dict[trip_route][numb][tostopidx]] not in journey_final: journey_final.append([leg[0], stoptimes_dict[trip_route][numb][fromstopidx], stoptimes_dict[trip_route][numb][tostopidx]]) from_stop = stops_dict[int(journey_final_copy[c][0].split("_")[0])][int(journey_final_copy[c][1])] to_stop = stops_dict[int(journey_final_copy[c][2].split("_")[0])][int(journey_final_copy[c][3])] if from_stop != to_stop: time_needed = [x[1] for x in footpath_dict[from_stop] if x[0] == to_stop][0] journey_final.append(("walk", from_stop, to_stop, time_needed)) if c + 1 != len(journey_final_copy) - 1: [trip_route, numb], fromstopidx = [int(x) for x in leg[2].split("_")], leg[3] journey_final.append( [leg[2], stoptimes_dict[trip_route][numb][fromstopidx], stoptimes_dict[trip_route][numb][journey_final_copy[c + 1][1]]]) elif from_stop == to_stop: if c + 1 != len(journey_final_copy) - 1: [trip_route, numb], fromstopidx = [int(x) for x in leg[2].split("_")], leg[3] journey_final.append( [leg[2], stoptimes_dict[trip_route][numb][fromstopidx], stoptimes_dict[trip_route][numb][journey_final_copy[c + 1][1]]]) for leg in journey_final: if leg[0] == "walk": print(f"from {leg[1]} walk till {leg[2]} for {leg[3].total_seconds()} seconds") else: print(f"from {leg[1][0]} board at {leg[1][1].time()} and get down on {leg[2][0]} at {leg[2][1].time()} along {leg[0]}") print("####################################") return None