Source code for Algorithms.TRANSFER_PATTERNS.transferpattens
Module contains transfer patterns implementation.
from Algorithms.TRANSFER_PATTERNS.transferpattern_func import *
[docs]def std_tp(SOURCE: int, DESTINATION: int, D_TIME, footpath_dict: dict, NETWORK_NAME: str, routesindx_by_stop_dict, stoptimes_dict: dict, hub_count: int = 0,
hubstops: set = set) -> list:
Standard implementation of trasnfer patterns algorithms. Following functionality is supported regarding hubs:
1. Build hubs using brute force method. See transferpattern_func
SOURCE (int): stop id of source stop.
DESTINATION (int): stop id of destination stop.
D_TIME (pandas.datetime): departure time.
footpath_dict (dict): preprocessed dict. Format {from_stop_id: [(to_stop_id, footpath_time)]}.
NETWORK_NAME (str): name of the network
routesindx_by_stop_dict (dict): Keys: stop id, value: [(route_id, stop index), (route_id, stop index)]
stops_dict (dict): preprocessed dict. Format {route_id: [ids of stops in the route]}.
hub_count (int): Number of hub stops
hubstops (set): set containing id's of stop that are hubs
pareto optimal journeys
>>> output = std_tp(36, 52, pd.to_datetime('2022-06-30 05:41:00'), footpath_dict, './anaheim', routesindx_by_stop_dict, stoptimes_dict, 0, set())
TODO: Add backtracking
TP_output = multicriteria_dij(SOURCE, DESTINATION, D_TIME, footpath_dict, NETWORK_NAME, routesindx_by_stop_dict, stoptimes_dict, hub_count, hubstops)
pareto_journeys = [(item[0], item[1]) for item in TP_output[DESTINATION][2]]
# print(f"Pareto optimal points: {pareto_journeys}")
return pareto_journeys
except FileNotFoundError:
print("transfer pattern preprocessing incomplete not found")
return [None]