Source code for GTFS_wrapper

Apply necessary filters to GTFS set. 
Note that this file is GTFS-specific.
import pickle
import zipfile
from math import ceil

import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm

pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None  # default='warn'

[docs]def take_inputs() -> tuple: ''' Takes the required inputs for building GTFS wrapper Returns: NETWORK_NAME, DATE_TOFILTER_ON, VALID_ROUTE_TYPES, BUILD_TRANSFER, breaker, READ_PATH, SAVE_PATH Examples: >>> NETWORK_NAME, DATE_TOFILTER_ON, VALID_ROUTE_TYPES, BUILD_TRANSFER, breaker, READ_PATH, SAVE_PATH = take_inputs() ''' print("Rename the to and place it in main directory." " For example, for anaheim, place the in the main directory.") print("Enter Example parameters to build test case.") NETWORK_NAME = input("Enter Network name in small case. Example: anaheim\n: ") DATE_TOFILTER_ON = int(input("Enter date to filter on. Format: YYYYMMDD. Example: 20220630\n: ")) # TODO: display options according to dataset VALID_ROUTE_TYPES = [] while True: new_route_type = int(input("Enter route types to keep GTFS set. For example: 3 (bus routes). Press -1 when done\n: ")) if new_route_type == -1: break else: VALID_ROUTE_TYPES.append(new_route_type) BUILD_TRANSFER = int(input("Enter 1 to build transfers file. Else press 0. Example: 0.\n: ")) BUILD_TBTR_FILES = int(input("Enter 1 to build for TBTR preprocessing. Else press 0. Example: 1800\n: ")) BUILD_TRANSFER_PATTERNS_FILES = int(input("Enter 1 to build Transfer Patterns preprocessing. Else press 0. Example: 0\n: ")) BUILD_CSA = int(input("Enter 1 to build CSA preprocessing. Else press 0. Example: 0\n: ")) print(f"Parameters entered: \n Network Name: {NETWORK_NAME}\n Date to filter on: {DATE_TOFILTER_ON}" f"\n Valid Route types: {VALID_ROUTE_TYPES}\n") if BUILD_TRANSFER == 1: print(" Build transfer file?: Yes") else: print(" Build transfer file?: No") if BUILD_TBTR_FILES == 1: print(" Build TBTR files?: Yes") else: print(" Build TBTR files?: No") if BUILD_TRANSFER_PATTERNS_FILES == 1: print(" Build Transfer Patterns files?: Yes") else: print(" Build Transfer Patterns files?: No") if BUILD_CSA == 1: print(" Build CSA files?: Yes") else: print(" Build CSA files?: No") print(breaker) # BUILD_TRANSFER = 0 # WALKING_LIMIT = 180 # Distance is in meter and assumed speed is 1m/s # DATE_TOFILTER_ON = 20220815 # NETWORK_NAME = './chicago' # VALID_ROUTE_TYPES = [3] READ_PATH = f'./Data/GTFS/{NETWORK_NAME}/gtfs_o' SAVE_PATH = f'./Data/GTFS/{NETWORK_NAME}/' param_list = [BUILD_TRANSFER, NETWORK_NAME, BUILD_TBTR_FILES, BUILD_TRANSFER_PATTERNS_FILES, BUILD_CSA] with open(f'./builders/parameters_entered.txt', 'wb') as pickle_file: pickle.dump(param_list, pickle_file) return NETWORK_NAME, DATE_TOFILTER_ON, VALID_ROUTE_TYPES, BUILD_TRANSFER, breaker, READ_PATH, SAVE_PATH
[docs]def read_gtfs(READ_PATH: str, NETWORK_NAME: str): """ Reads the GTFS set Args: READ_PATH (str): Path to read GTFS NETWORK_NAME (str): Network name Returns: GTFS files Examples: >>> calendar_dates, route, trips, stop_times, stops, calendar, transfer = read_gtfs(READ_PATH, 'anaheim') """ with zipfile.ZipFile(f'./{NETWORK_NAME}', 'r') as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(f'./Data/GTFS/{NETWORK_NAME}/gtfs_o') print("Reading GTFS data") print(f"Network: {NETWORK_NAME}") stop_times_column = ['arrival_time', 'stop_sequence', 'stop_id', 'trip_id'] stops_column = ['stop_lat', 'stop_lon', 'stop_id'] trips_column = ['route_id', 'trip_id', 'service_id'] calendar_dates, calendar, transfer = None, None, None try: transfer = pd.read_csv(f'{READ_PATH}/transfer.txt') except FileNotFoundError: print("transfer.txt missing") try: calendar = pd.read_csv(f'{READ_PATH}/calendar.txt') except FileNotFoundError: print("calender.txt missing") try: calendar_dates = pd.read_csv(f'{READ_PATH}/calendar_dates.txt') except FileNotFoundError: print("calender_dates.txt missing") try: route = pd.read_csv(f'{READ_PATH}/routes.txt') except FileNotFoundError: raise FileNotFoundError("routes.txt missing") try: trips = pd.read_csv(f'{READ_PATH}/trips.txt', usecols=trips_column, low_memory=False) except FileNotFoundError: raise FileNotFoundError("trips.txt missing") try: stop_times = pd.read_csv(f'{READ_PATH}/stop_times.txt', usecols=stop_times_column, low_memory=False) except FileNotFoundError: raise FileNotFoundError("stop_times.txt missing") try: try: stops = pd.read_csv(f'{READ_PATH}/stops.txt', usecols=stops_column + ["stop_name"]) except ValueError: stops = pd.read_csv(f'{READ_PATH}/stops.txt', usecols=stops_column) except FileNotFoundError: raise FileNotFoundError("stops.txt missing") print(breaker) return calendar_dates, route, trips, stop_times, stops, calendar, transfer
[docs]def remove_unwanted_route(VALID_ROUTE_TYPES: list, route) -> tuple: """ Remove unwanted routes like sea ferries, Metro Args: VALID_ROUTE_TYPES (list): route: GTFS routes.txt file Returns: Filters route file and a set containing all routes ids. Examples: >>> valid_routes_set, route = remove_unwanted_route([3], route) """ print("Removing unwanted routes") print(f"Total routes: {len(route)}") print(f"Route types distribution:\n {route.route_type.value_counts()}") route = route[route.route_type.isin(VALID_ROUTE_TYPES)] valid_routes_set = set(route.route_id) print(f"Total routes after filtering on route_types: {len(valid_routes_set)}") print(breaker) return valid_routes_set, route
[docs]def filter_trips_routes_ondates(valid_routes_set: set, calendar_dates, calendar, trips, DATE_TOFILTER_ON: int) -> tuple: """ Filter the trips file based on calendar. Only One-days data is assumed here. Args: valid_routes_set (set): set containing valid route ids calendar_dates: GTFS Calendar_dates.txt file calendar: GTFS calendar.txt file trips: GTFS trips.txt file DATE_TOFILTER_ON (int): date on which GTFS set is filtered Returns: Filtered trips file and a set of valid trips and routes. Note: calendar_dates can be used in two sense. In the first case, it acts as a supplement to calendar.txt by defining listing the service id removed or added on a particular day (recommended usage).In the second case, it acts independently by listing all the service active on the particular day. See GTFS reference for more details. """ calendar.start_date, calendar.end_date = calendar.start_date.astype(int), calendar.end_date.astype(int) day_name = pd.to_datetime(DATE_TOFILTER_ON, format='%Y%m%d').day_name().lower() calendar = calendar[((calendar.start_date <= DATE_TOFILTER_ON) & (DATE_TOFILTER_ON <= calendar.end_date))] working_service_id = set(calendar[calendar[f'{day_name}'] == 1].service_id) new_service_id_added = set(calendar_dates[( == DATE_TOFILTER_ON) & (calendar_dates.exception_type == 1)].service_id) service_id_removed = set(calendar_dates[( == DATE_TOFILTER_ON) & (calendar_dates.exception_type == 2)].service_id) valid_service_id = working_service_id.union(new_service_id_added) - service_id_removed trips = trips[trips.service_id.isin(valid_service_id) & trips.route_id.isin(valid_routes_set)] valid_trips = set(trips.trip_id) valid_route = set(trips.route_id) print(f"After Filtering on date {DATE_TOFILTER_ON}") print(f"Valid trips: {len(valid_trips)}") print(f"Valid routes: {len(valid_route)}") return trips, valid_trips, valid_route
# print(f"Filtering trips based on date: {DATE_TOFILTER_ON}") # if type(calendar_dates)==type(None): # valid_trips = set(trips.trip_id) # valid_route = set(trips.route_id) # return trips, valid_trips, valid_route # else: # calendar_dates.sort_values(by='date', inplace=True) # calendar_dates[(calendar_dates.exception_type == 1)].groupby('date').count().sort_values('service_id') # valid_service_id = set( # calendar_dates[( == DATE_TOFILTER_ON) & (calendar_dates.exception_type == 1)]['service_id']) # trips = trips[trips.service_id.isin(valid_service_id) & trips.route_id.isin(valid_routes_set)] # valid_trips = set(trips.trip_id) # valid_route = set(trips.route_id) # print(f"Valid trips: {len(valid_trips)}") # print(f"Valid routes: {len(valid_route)}") # print(breaker) # return trips, valid_trips, valid_route
[docs]def filter_stoptimes(valid_trips: set, trips, DATE_TOFILTER_ON: int, stop_times) -> tuple: """ Filter stoptimes file Args: valid_trips (set): GTFS set containing trips trips: GTFS trips.txt file DATE_TOFILTER_ON (int): date on which GTFS set is filtered stop_times: GTFS stoptimes.txt file Returns: Filtered stops mapping and stoptimes file """ print("Filtering stop_times.txt") stop_times.stop_sequence = stop_times.stop_sequence - 1 stop_times.stop_id = stop_times.stop_id.astype(str) stop_times = stop_times[stop_times.trip_id.isin(valid_trips)] stop_times.loc[:, 'stop_sequence'] = stop_times.groupby("trip_id")["stop_sequence"].rank(method="first", ascending=True).astype(int) - 1 stop_times = pd.merge(stop_times, trips, on='trip_id') stoplist = sorted(list(set(stop_times.stop_id))) stops_map = pd.DataFrame([t[::-1] for t in enumerate(stoplist, 1)], columns=['stop_id', 'new_stop_id']) stop_times = pd.merge(stop_times, stops_map, on='stop_id').drop(columns=['stop_id']).rename(columns={'new_stop_id': 'stop_id'}) print("Applying dates") #Correct timestamp of format 9:30:00 to 09:30:00 stop_times.arrival_time = [time_value if time_value.find(":")>1 else f"0{time_value}" for time_value in stop_times.arrival_time] DATE_TOFILTER_ON = f'{str(DATE_TOFILTER_ON)[:4]}-{str(DATE_TOFILTER_ON)[4:6]}-{str(DATE_TOFILTER_ON)[6:]}' last_stamp = stop_times.sort_values(by="arrival_time").arrival_time.iloc[-1] data_list = pd.date_range(DATE_TOFILTER_ON, periods=ceil(int(last_stamp[:2]) / 24)) date_list = [data_list[int(int(x[:2]) / 24)] + pd.to_timedelta(str(int(x[:2]) - 24 * int(int(x[:2]) / 24)) + x[2:]) for x in tqdm(stop_times.arrival_time)] # nex_date = DATE_TOFILTER_ON[:-2] + str(int(DATE_TOFILTER_ON[-2:]) + 1) # date_list = [ # pd.to_datetime(DATE_TOFILTER_ON + ' ' + x) if int(x[:2]) < 24 else pd.to_datetime(nex_date + ' ' + str(int(x[:2]) - 24) + x[2:]) # for x in stop_times.arrival_time] stop_times.arrival_time = date_list print(breaker) return stops_map, stop_times
[docs]def filter_stopsfile(stops_map, stops): """ Apply filter to stops file Args: stops_map: stop id mapping stops: GTFS stops.txt file Returns: Filtered stops file """ print("Filtering stops.txt") stops.stop_id = stops.stop_id.astype(str) stops = pd.merge(stops, stops_map, on='stop_id').drop(columns=['stop_id']).rename(columns={'new_stop_id': 'stop_id'}) print(f"Valid stops left: {len(stops)}") print(breaker) return stops
[docs]def rename_route(stop_times, trips) -> tuple: """ Rename the route Id to integer. Route Id are assumed to start from 1000. Args: stop_times: GTFS stoptimes.txt file trips: GTFS trips.txt file Returns: Route Id mapping, filtered stoptimes and trip file """ print("Renaming routes") trip_groups = stop_times.groupby("trip_id") stops_dict_rev = {} route_map = {} route_id = 1000 # Rename Route_id starting from 1000 temp_set = set() for x, trip_detail in tqdm(trip_groups): route_seq = tuple(trip_detail.sort_values(by='stop_sequence')['stop_id']) if route_seq not in temp_set: stops_dict_rev[route_seq] = route_id temp_set.add((route_seq)) route_id = route_id + 1 route_map[x] = stops_dict_rev[route_seq] # Update new route_id in stoptimes file route_map_db = pd.DataFrame(route_map.items(), columns=['trip_id', 'new_route_id']) stop_times = pd.merge(stop_times, route_map_db, on='trip_id').drop(columns=['route_id']).rename( columns={'new_route_id': 'route_id'}) trips = pd.merge(trips, route_map_db, on='trip_id').drop(columns=['route_id']).rename( columns={'new_route_id': 'route_id'}) print(breaker) return route_map_db, stop_times, trips
[docs]def rename_trips(stop_times, trips): """ Rename trips Args: stop_times: GTFS stoptimes.txt file trips: GTFS trips.txt file Returns: Filtered stoptimes.txt and trips.txt file """ print("Renaming trips") trip_map = {} route_groups = stop_times.groupby("route_id") if len(trips) != len(stop_times[stop_times.stop_sequence == 0]): print("Error: Not every trip has first stop, rewrite code below") else: for rid, trip_detail in tqdm(route_groups): trip_seq = enumerate( list(trip_detail[trip_detail.stop_sequence == 0].sort_values(by='arrival_time')['trip_id'])) for x in trip_seq: trip_map[x[1]] = f'{rid}_{x[0]}' trip_map_db = pd.DataFrame(trip_map.items(), columns=['trip_id', 'new_trip_id']) stop_times = pd.merge(stop_times, trip_map_db, on='trip_id').drop(columns=['trip_id']).rename( columns={'new_trip_id': 'trip_id'}) trips = pd.merge(trips, trip_map_db, on='trip_id').drop(columns=['trip_id']).rename(columns={'new_trip_id': 'trip_id'}) print(breaker) return stop_times, trips
[docs]def remove_overlapping_trips(stop_times, trips): """ Remove overlapping trips, i.e., all trips should follow first-in-first-out (FIFO) property. Args: stop_times: GTFS stoptimes.txt file Returns: Filtered stoptimes file """ print("Removing overlapping trips") # overlap = set() overlap_tid = [] route_groups = stop_times.groupby("route_id") for r_idx, route_trips in tqdm(route_groups): route_trips_groups = route_trips.groupby('trip_id') route_trips_list = [(tid, tuple(trip.arrival_time)) for tid, trip in route_trips_groups] route_trips_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[1][0]) for x in range(len(route_trips_list) - 1): f_tid, first_trip = route_trips_list[x] s_tid, second_trip = route_trips_list[x + 1] if any([second_trip[idx[0]] <= first_trip[idx[0]] for idx in enumerate(first_trip)]): # overlap = overlap.union({r_idx}) overlap_tid.append(f_tid) if overlap_tid: print(f"{len(overlap_tid)} trips were overlapped") else: print(f"0 trips were overlapped") overlap_tid = set(overlap_tid) stop_times = stop_times[~stop_times.trip_id.isin(overlap_tid)] temp = set(stop_times.trip_id) trips = trips[trips.trip_id.isin(temp)] print(breaker) # if overlap: # print(f"{len(overlap)} had overlapping trips") # stop_times = stop_times[~stop_times.route_id.isin(overlap)] return stop_times, trips
[docs]def check_trip_len(stop_times) -> None: """ Ensures that number of stops in all trips should be >2. Args: stop_times: GTFS stoptimes.txt file Returns: None """ print("Checking trips length") trip_group = stop_times.groupby('trip_id') for x, trip_details in tqdm(trip_group): if len(trip_group) < 2: print(x) print('Warning: Trips of len<2 present in stoptimes') print(breaker) return None
[docs]def stoptimes_filter(stop_times): """ Apply filters to stoptimes file. Following filters are applied: 1. Remove singleton routes, i.e., route of length 1. These can come due to various filters applied before. 2. Drop routes circling back to same stop 3. Rename stop_sequence for every trip starting from 0 Args: stop_times: GTFS stoptimes.txt file Returns: Filtered stoptimes.txt GTFS file """ print("Applying final stoptimes filter") stops_group = stop_times[['stop_id', "route_id"]].groupby('stop_id') routes_group = stop_times.groupby('route_id') solo_routes = set() for rid, route_details in routes_group: intersect = 0 stops_seq = set(route_details.stop_id) for x in stops_seq: if len(set(stops_group.get_group(x)['route_id']).difference({rid})) > 0: intersect = 1 break if intersect == 0: solo_routes.add(rid) stop_times = stop_times[~stop_times.route_id.isin(solo_routes)].sort_values( by=['route_id', 'stop_sequence']).drop(columns=['route_id']) ########################################## # Drop routes circling back to same stop stop_times = stop_times.drop_duplicates(subset=['trip_id', 'stop_id']) ########################################## # For every trip stop_sequence should be continuous sequence starting from 0. stop_times['stop_sequence'] = stop_times.groupby("trip_id")["stop_sequence"].rank(method="first", ascending=True).astype(int) - 1 ########################################## print(breaker) return stop_times
[docs]def filter_trips(trips, stop_times, stops): """ Filter trips file. Trip Id are renamed as a_b where a is the route id and b is the sequence of trip (arranged according to departure time) Args: trips: GTFS trips.txt file stop_times: GTFS stoptimes.txt file stops: GTFS stops.txt file Returns: Filtered trips, stoptimes and stops file """ print("Applying final trips filter") # Rename all trip_id with following format: Routeid_trip_count. # E.g., 502_4 is 4th trip (sorted according to departure time) on route 502. # trips = trips[trips.trip_id.isin(stop_times.trip_id)].drop(columns=['service_id']) trips = trips[trips.trip_id.isin(stop_times.trip_id)] stops = stops[stops.stop_id.isin(stop_times.stop_id)].sort_values(by="stop_id").reset_index(drop=True) _, tid_list = zip(*trips.trip_id.str.split('_')) trips['tid'] = tid_list trips['tid'] = trips['tid'].astype(int) trips['tid'] = trips.groupby("route_id")['tid'].rank(method="first", ascending=True).astype(int) - 1 trips['new_trip_id'] = trips['route_id'].astype(str) + "_" + trips['tid'].astype(str) stop_times = pd.merge(stop_times, trips, on='trip_id').drop(columns=['trip_id', 'tid', 'route_id']).rename( columns={'new_trip_id': 'trip_id'}) trips = trips.drop(columns=['trip_id', 'tid']).rename(columns={'new_trip_id': 'trip_id'}) print(breaker) return trips, stop_times, stops
[docs]def save_final(SAVE_PATH: str, trips, stop_times, stops) -> None: """ Save the final GTFS set and print statistics Args: SAVE_PATH (str): Path to save GTFS trips: GTFS trips.txt file stop_times: GTFS stop_times.txt file stops: GTFS stops.txt file Returns: None """ # Save the files to save location print("Saving files") stop_times.to_csv(f'{SAVE_PATH}/stop_times.csv', index=False) stop_times.to_csv(f'{SAVE_PATH}/stop_times.txt', index=False) stops.to_csv(f'{SAVE_PATH}/stops.txt', index=False) stops.to_csv(f'{SAVE_PATH}/stops.csv', index=False) trips.to_csv(f'{SAVE_PATH}/trips.txt', index=False) ##################################### # Print final statistics print(f'Final stops count : {len(stops)}') print(f'Final trips count : {len(trips)}') print(f'Final routes count : {len(set(trips.route_id))}') print(breaker) return None
[docs]def main() -> None: """ Main function Returns: None #TODO: Call build_transfer_file if the parameter is 1 """ NETWORK_NAME, DATE_TOFILTER_ON, VALID_ROUTE_TYPES, BUILD_TRANSFER, breaker, READ_PATH, SAVE_PATH = take_inputs() calendar_dates, route, trips, stop_times, stops, calendar, transfer = read_gtfs(READ_PATH, NETWORK_NAME) valid_routes, route = remove_unwanted_route(VALID_ROUTE_TYPES, route) trips, valid_trips, valid_route = filter_trips_routes_ondates(valid_routes, calendar_dates, calendar, trips, DATE_TOFILTER_ON) stops_map, stop_times = filter_stoptimes(valid_trips, trips, DATE_TOFILTER_ON, stop_times) stops = filter_stopsfile(stops_map, stops) route_map_db, stop_times, trips = rename_route(stop_times, trips) stop_times, trips = rename_trips(stop_times, trips) stop_times, trips = remove_overlapping_trips(stop_times, trips) check_trip_len(stop_times) stop_times = stoptimes_filter(stop_times) trips, stop_times, stops = filter_trips(trips, stop_times, stops) save_final(SAVE_PATH, trips, stop_times, stops) return None
# build_transfers_file(READ_PATH, stops, WALKING_LIMIT, transfer) if __name__ == "__main__": breaker = "________________________________________________________________" main()