Source code for builders.build_TBTR_dict

Builds data structure for TBTR related algorithms
import multiprocessing
import sys
# print(os.getcwd())
# os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.getcwd()))
# os.chdir('D:\\prateek\\research\\indivisual\\TB2')
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import chain
from multiprocessing import Pool
from random import shuffle
from time import time as time_measure

from miscellaneous_func import *

[docs]def algorithm1_parallel(route_details: tuple) -> list: """ Collects all possible trip transfers. Args: route_details (list): tuple of format: (route id, list of trips) Returns: list of trip-transfers format [(from trip id, from stop id, to strip id, to stop id)] """ trip_transfer_list = [] rr, route_trips = route_details for tcount, trips in enumerate(route_trips): for scount, stop_seq in enumerate(trips[1:], 1): try: to_route_list = routes_by_stop_dict[stop_seq[0]].copy() to_route_list.remove(rr) for r_route in to_route_list: stopindex_by_route = stops_dict[r_route].index(stop_seq[0]) earliest_trip = -1 for ttcount, tripss in enumerate(stoptimes_dict[r_route]): if tripss[stopindex_by_route][1] >= change_time + stop_seq[1]: earliest_trip = 1 break if earliest_trip == 1: if r_route != rr or tcount < ttcount or stopindex_by_route < scount: trip_transfer_list.append( (f"{rr}_{tcount}", scount, f"{r_route}_{ttcount}", stopindex_by_route)) except KeyError: pass try: for connection in footpath_dict[stop_seq[0]]: to_route_list = routes_by_stop_dict[connection[0]] for r_route in to_route_list: stopindex_by_route = stops_dict[r_route].index(connection[0]) earliest_trip = -1 for ttcount, tripss in enumerate(stoptimes_dict[r_route]): if tripss[stopindex_by_route][1] >= stop_seq[1] + connection[1]: earliest_trip = 1 break if earliest_trip == 1: if r_route != rr or tcount < ttcount or stopindex_by_route < scount: trip_transfer_list.append( (f"{rr}_{tcount}", scount, f"{r_route}_{ttcount}", stopindex_by_route)) except KeyError: pass return trip_transfer_list
[docs]def algorithm2_parallel(trip_transfer_: list) -> list: """ Removes trip transfers which cause U-turns. Args: trip_transfer_ (list): trip transfers. Format : ['index', 'from_routeid', 'from_tid', 'to_routeid', 'to_tid', 'from_stop_index', 'to_stop_index'] Returns: Returns the index if the trip-transfer is optimal. Else empty list """ try: from_stop_dep, to_stop_det = stoptimes_dict[trip_transfer_[1]][trip_transfer_[2]][trip_transfer_[5]], \ stoptimes_dict[trip_transfer_[3]][trip_transfer_[4]][trip_transfer_[6]] if from_stop_dep[0] == to_stop_det[0] and from_stop_dep[0] <= to_stop_det[0]: return trip_transfer_[0] else: return [] except IndexError: return []
[docs]def algorithm3_parallel(trip_details: tuple) -> list: """ Removes trip transfers that are not part of any optimal journey Args: trip_details (tuple): tuple of form: (route_id, trip_id, trip) Returns: list of non-optimal trip transfers. """ r_id, t_id, trip = trip_details removed_trans = [] stop_labels = defaultdict(lambda: inf_time) trip_rev = reversed(list(enumerate(trip))) tid = f"{r_id}_{t_id}" for s_idx, stop_seq in trip_rev: stop_labels[stop_seq[0]] = min(stop_labels[stop_seq[0]], stop_seq[1]) try: for q in footpath_dict[stop_seq[0]]: stop_labels[q[0]] = min(stop_labels[q[0]], stop_seq[1] + q[1]) except KeyError: pass try: trans_from_stop = [(trans, [int(x) for x in trans[1].split("_")]) for trans in trip_transfer_dict[tid] if trans[0] == s_idx] for trans, breakdown in trans_from_stop: keep = False for stop_connect_0, stop_connect_1 in stoptimes_dict[breakdown[0]][breakdown[1]][trans[2] + 1:]: if stop_connect_1 < stop_labels[stop_connect_0]: keep = True stop_labels[stop_connect_0] = stop_connect_1 if stop_connect_0 in footpath_keys: for footpath_connect in footpath_dict[stop_connect_0]: if stop_labels[footpath_connect[0]] > stop_connect_1 + footpath_connect[1]: keep = True stop_labels[footpath_connect[0]] = stop_connect_1 + footpath_connect[1] if not keep: removed_trans.append((tid, trans)) except KeyError: pass return removed_trans
[docs]def initialize() -> tuple: ''' Takes the required inputs for building TBTR preprocessing Returns: breaker (str): string CORES (int): Number of codes to be used change_time (int): change-time in seconds. GENERATE_LOGFILE (int): 1 to redirect and save a log file. Else 0 USE_PARALlEL (int): 1 for parallel and 0 for serial ''' breaker = "________________________________" print("Building trip-transfers dict for TBTR. Enter following parameters.\n ") USE_PARALlEL = int(input("TBTR can be built in parallel. Enter 1 to use multiprocessing. Else press 0. Example: 0\n: ")) CORES = 0 if USE_PARALlEL != 0: CORES = int(input(f"Enter number of CORES (>=1). \nAvailable CORES (logical and physical): {multiprocessing.cpu_count()}\n: ")) change_time = pd.to_timedelta(0, unit='seconds') GENERATE_LOGFILE = int(input(f"Press 1 to redirect output to a log file in logs folder. Else press 0. Example: 0\n: ")) if not os.path.exists(f'./logs/.'): os.makedirs(f'./logs/.') if not os.path.exists(f'./Data/TBTR/{NETWORK_NAME}'): os.makedirs(f'./Data/TBTR/{NETWORK_NAME}') return breaker, CORES, change_time, GENERATE_LOGFILE, USE_PARALlEL
if __name__ == "__main__": with open(f'./parameters_entered.txt', 'rb') as file: parameter_files = pickle.load(file) BUILD_TRANSFER, NETWORK_NAME, BUILD_TBTR_FILES, BUILD_TRANSFER_PATTERNS_FILES, BUILD_CSA = parameter_files if BUILD_TBTR_FILES == 1: # NETWORK_NAME = 'germany' breaker, CORES, change_time, GENERATE_LOGFILE, USE_PARALlEL = initialize() print(breaker) stops_file, trips_file, stop_times_file, transfers_file, stops_dict, stoptimes_dict, footpath_dict, routes_by_stop_dict, idx_by_route_stop_dict, routesindx_by_stop_dict = read_testcase( NETWORK_NAME) # inf_time = pd.to_datetime("today").round(freq='H') + pd.to_timedelta("365 day") # GENERATE_LOGFILE = 1 if GENERATE_LOGFILE == 1: sys.stdout = open(f'./logs/tbtr_builder_{NETWORK_NAME}', 'w') print(f"Network: {NETWORK_NAME}") print(f'CORES used ={CORES}') print(breaker) ########Algorithm 1 print("Running Algorithm 1") route_details_list = list(stoptimes_dict.items()) shuffle(route_details_list) start = time_measure() if USE_PARALlEL==1: with Pool(CORES) as pool: result =, route_details_list) else: result = [algorithm1_parallel(route_details) for route_details in route_details_list] A1_time = time_measure() - start Transfer_set_db = pd.DataFrame(list(chain(*result)), columns=["from_Trip", "from_stop_index", "to_trip", "to_stop_index"]) print(breaker) ########Algorithm 2 print("Running Algorithm 2") Transfer_set_db_temp = Transfer_set_db.reset_index() Transfer_set_db_temp['from_routeid'], Transfer_set_db_temp['from_tid'] = zip(*Transfer_set_db_temp['from_Trip'].apply(lambda x: x.split("_"))) Transfer_set_db_temp['to_routeid'], Transfer_set_db_temp['to_tid'] = zip(*Transfer_set_db_temp['to_trip'].apply(lambda x: x.split("_"))) Transfer_set_db_temp = Transfer_set_db_temp.drop(columns=['from_Trip', 'to_trip']).astype(int) Transfer_set_db_temp.from_stop_index = Transfer_set_db_temp.from_stop_index - 1 Transfer_set_db_temp.to_stop_index = Transfer_set_db_temp.to_stop_index + 1 Transfer_set_db_temp = Transfer_set_db_temp[['index', 'from_routeid', 'from_tid', 'to_routeid', 'to_tid', 'from_stop_index', 'to_stop_index']] start = time_measure() if USE_PARALlEL==1: with Pool(CORES) as pool: U_Turns_list =, Transfer_set_db_temp.values.tolist()) else: U_Turns_list = [algorithm2_parallel(trip_transfer_) for trip_transfer_ in Transfer_set_db_temp.values.tolist()] A2_time = time_measure() - start U_Turns_list = [x for x in U_Turns_list if x] Transfer_set = Transfer_set_db.drop(U_Turns_list).reset_index(drop=True) from_T_group = Transfer_set.groupby(['from_Trip']) trip_transfer_dict = {idx: list(zip(rows["from_stop_index"], rows['to_trip'], rows['to_stop_index'])) for idx, rows in from_T_group} print(breaker) ########Algorithm 3 print("Running Algorithm 3") for stop, flist in footpath_dict.items(): temp = [] footpath_dict[stop] = [(y[0], y[1].total_seconds()) for y in flist] for rid, route_det in stoptimes_dict.items(): temp = [] for trip in route_det: temp.append([(stamp[0], stamp[1].timestamp()) for stamp in trip]) stoptimes_dict[rid] = temp inf_time = (pd.to_datetime("today").round(freq='H') + pd.to_timedelta("365 day")).timestamp() footpath_keys = set(footpath_dict.keys()) route_details1 = list(stoptimes_dict.items()) route_details1.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) trip_list = [] for rid, route_trips in route_details1: for t_id, trip in enumerate(route_trips): trip_list.append((rid, t_id, trip)) route_details1 = None init_tans = sum([len(x) for x in trip_transfer_dict.values()]) start = time_measure() if USE_PARALlEL==1: with Pool(CORES) as pool: non_optimal_trans =, trip_list) else: non_optimal_trans = [algorithm3_parallel(trip_details) for trip_details in trip_list] A3_time = time_measure() - start for route_level_turns in non_optimal_trans: for tid, trans in route_level_turns: trip_transfer_dict[tid].remove(trans) final_trans = sum([len(x) for x in trip_transfer_dict.values()]) print(breaker) print(f"Algorithm 1 time - {round(A1_time, 2)},Triptransfer count = {len(Transfer_set_db)}") print( f"Algorithm 2 time - {round(A2_time, 2)},Triptransfer count = {init_tans} (Reduction: {int(((len(Transfer_set_db) - init_tans) / len(Transfer_set_db)) * 100)})") print(f"Algorithm 3 time - {round(A3_time, 2)},Triptransfer count = {final_trans} (Reduction: {int(((init_tans - final_trans) / init_tans) * 100)})") print(f"Total time - {round(A1_time + A2_time + A3_time, 1)}") print(f"Total time - {round((A1_time + A2_time + A3_time) * CORES, 1)}") print(breaker) trip_transfer_dict_new = {} for tid, connections in trip_transfer_dict.items(): if connections == []: continue trip_transfer_dict_new[tid] = {} for x in connections: if x[0] not in trip_transfer_dict_new[tid].keys(): trip_transfer_dict_new[tid][x[0]] = [] trip_transfer_dict_new[tid][x[0]].append((x[1], x[2])) # Added [] for every stop of key (or cast it as default dict to avoid error keyerror in TBTR code) for tid in trip_transfer_dict_new.keys(): numberofstops = set(range(len(stops_dict[int(tid.split('_')[0])]))) keys_present = set(trip_transfer_dict_new[tid].keys()) keystobeadded = numberofstops - keys_present for key in keystobeadded: trip_transfer_dict_new[tid][key] = [] with open(f'./Data/TBTR/{NETWORK_NAME}/TBTR_trip_transfer_dict.pkl', 'wb') as pickle_file: pickle.dump(trip_transfer_dict_new, pickle_file) print("trip_Transfer_dict done final") if GENERATE_LOGFILE == 1: sys.stdout.close() """ ############################### Depreciated functions ############################### def remove_Uturns(stop_times_file, change_time, Transfer_set_db): U_turns = Transfer_set_db.reset_index() U_turns.from_stop_index = U_turns.from_stop_index - 1 U_turns.to_stop_index = U_turns.to_stop_index + 1 stop_times_file = stop_times_file[['stop_sequence', 'arrival_time', 'stop_id', 'trip_id']] U_turns = pd.merge(U_turns, stop_times_file, left_on=['from_Trip', 'from_stop_index'], right_on=['trip_id', 'stop_sequence']). \ drop(columns=['trip_id', 'stop_sequence']).rename( columns={'stop_id': 'from_stop_id', 'arrival_time': 'from_stop_time'}) U_turns = pd.merge(U_turns, stop_times_file, left_on=['to_trip', 'to_stop_index'], right_on=['trip_id', 'stop_sequence']). \ drop(columns=['trip_id', 'stop_sequence']).rename( columns={'stop_id': 'to_stop_id', 'arrival_time': 'to_stop_time'}) ch_time = pd.to_timedelta(change_time, unit="seconds") U_Turns_list = U_turns[(U_turns.from_stop_id == U_turns.to_stop_id) & (U_turns.from_stop_time + ch_time <= U_turns.to_stop_time)]['index'].to_list() return U_Turns_list def parallel_algo1(route_details): trip_transfer_list = [] rr, route_trips = route_details for tcount, trips in enumerate(route_trips): for scount, stop_seq in enumerate(trips[1:], 1): try: to_route_list = routes_by_stop_dict[stop_seq[0]].copy() to_route_list.remove(rr) for r_route in to_route_list: stopindex_by_route = stops_dict[r_route].index(stop_seq[0]) for ttcount, tripss in enumerate(stoptimes_dict[r_route]): if tripss[stopindex_by_route][1] >= change_time + stop_seq[1]: trip_transfer_list.append( (f"{rr}_{tcount}", scount, f"{r_route}_{ttcount}", stopindex_by_route)) break except KeyError: pass try: for connection in footpath_dict[stop_seq[0]]: to_route_list = routes_by_stop_dict[connection[0]] for r_route in to_route_list: stopindex_by_route = stops_dict[r_route].index(connection[0]) for ttcount, tripss in enumerate(stoptimes_dict[r_route]): if tripss[stopindex_by_route][1] >= stop_seq[1] + connection[1]: trip_transfer_list.append( (f"{rr}_{tcount}", scount, f"{r_route}_{ttcount}", stopindex_by_route)) break except KeyError: pass return trip_transfer_list """