Source code for builders.build_time_expanded

Builds the Time expanded Graph.
import sys
from time import time

from tqdm import tqdm

from miscellaneous_func import *

[docs]def initialize() -> tuple: """ Takes the required inputs for building Time expanded graph Returns: breaker (str): string GENERATE_LOGFILE (int): 1 to redirect and save a log file. Else 0 start_time: timestamp object Examples: >>> breaker, start_time, GENERATE_LOGFILE = initialize() """ breaker = "________________________________________________________________" print(breaker) print("Building Time expanded graph. Enter following parameters.\n") import psutil print(f'RAM {round(psutil.virtual_memory().total / (1024.0 ** 3))} GB (% used:{psutil.virtual_memory()[2]})') GENERATE_LOGFILE = int(input(f"Press 1 to redirect output to a log file in logs folder. Else press 0. Example: 0\n: ")) if not os.path.exists(f'./logs/.'): os.makedirs(f'./logs/.') if not os.path.exists(f'./Data/time_expanded/{NETWORK_NAME}'): os.makedirs(f'./Data/time_expanded/{NETWORK_NAME}') start_time = time() return breaker, start_time, GENERATE_LOGFILE
[docs]def add_edges_for_trips(stop_times_file, nodes_dict: dict) -> list: """ Adds edges corresponding to trips Args: stop_times_file (pandas.dataframe): dataframe with stoptimes details. nodes_dict (dict): mapping dictionary. Format: {(stop id, arrival time): new node id} Returns: trip_edges (list): list of tuples of format: [(from node id, to node id, weight)] Examples: >>> trip_edges = add_edges_for_trips(stop_times_file, nodes_dict) """ print("adding edges corresponding to trips...") t1 = time() trip_edges = [] trip_groups = stop_times_file.groupby("trip_id") for tid, trip in tqdm(trip_groups): trip.sort_values(by='stop_sequence', inplace=True) for x in range(len(trip) - 1): row1, row2 = trip.iloc[x], trip.iloc[x + 1] trip_edges.append( (nodes_dict[(row1.stop_id, row1.arrival_time)], nodes_dict[(row2.stop_id, row2.arrival_time)], int((row2.arrival_time - row1.arrival_time).total_seconds()))) print(f"Time required to add trip edges: {round((time() - t1) / 60, 2)} minutes") print(breaker) return trip_edges
[docs]def add_edges_for_footpaths(stop_times_file, nodes_dict: dict, transfers_file) -> list: """ Adds edges corresponding to footpaths Args: stop_times_file (pandas.dataframe): dataframe with stoptimes details. transfers_file (pandas.dataframe): dataframe with transfers (footpath) details. nodes_dict (dict): mapping dictionary. Format: {(stop id, arrival time): new node id} Returns: foot_connection (list): list of tuples of format: [(from node id, to node id, weight)] Examples: >>> foot_connections = add_edges_for_footpaths(stop_times_file, nodes_dict, transfers_file) """ print("adding edges corresponding to footpaths...") t2 = time() foot_connections = [] temp = list(transfers_file.from_stop_id) temp.extend(transfers_file.to_stop_id) temp = stop_times_file[stop_times_file.stop_id.isin(set(temp))] t = temp[['stop_id', 'arrival_time']].groupby("stop_id") for _, trans in tqdm(transfers_file.iterrows()): from_nodes = list(t.get_group(trans.from_stop_id).itertuples(index=False, name=None)) to_nodes = list(t.get_group(trans.to_stop_id).itertuples(index=False, name=None)) foot_connections.extend( [(nodes_dict[s], nodes_dict[d], (d[1] - s[1]).total_seconds()) for s in from_nodes for d in to_nodes if (d[1] - s[1]).total_seconds() >= trans.min_transfer_time]) print(f"Time required to add footpath edges: {round((time() - t2) / 60, 2)} minutes") print(breaker) return foot_connections
[docs]def add_transfer_edges(stop_times_file, nodes_dict: dict) -> list: """ Adds transfer edges between nodes Args: stop_times_file (pandas.dataframe): dataframe with stoptimes details. nodes_dict (dict): mapping dictionary. Format: {(stop id, arrival time): new node id} Returns: transfer_edges (list): list of tuples of format: [(from node id, to node id, weight)] Examples: >>> transfer_edges = add_transfer_edges(stop_times_file, nodes_dict) """ print("Adding waiting edges...") t3 = time() transfer_edges = [] t = stop_times_file[['stop_id', 'arrival_time']].groupby("stop_id") for _, stop_Det in tqdm(t): transfer_edge = list(stop_Det.sort_values('arrival_time').itertuples(index=False, name=None)) for pointer in range(len(stop_Det) - 1): transfer_edges.append( (nodes_dict[transfer_edge[pointer]], nodes_dict[transfer_edge[pointer + 1]], int((transfer_edge[pointer + 1][1] - transfer_edge[pointer][1]).total_seconds()))) print(f"Time required to add transfer edges: {round((time() - t3) / 60, 2)} minutes") print(breaker) return transfer_edges
[docs]def combine_edges(trip_edges: list, foot_connections: list, transfer_edges: list) -> list: """ Combines all 3 types of edges into a single list (trip, footpath, and transfer) Args: trip_edges (list) : list of tuples of format: [(from node id, to node id, weight)] foot_connections (list) : list of tuples of format: [(from node id, to node id, weight)] transfer_edges (list): list of tuples of format: [(from node id, to node id, weight)] Returns: edges (list): list of tuples of format: [(from node id, to node id, weight)] Examples: >>> edge_list = combine_edges(trip_edges, foot_connections, transfer_edges) """ print("Combining all edges...") t4 = time() edges = [] edges.extend(trip_edges) del (trip_edges) edges.extend(foot_connections) del (foot_connections) edges.extend(transfer_edges) del (transfer_edges) print(f"Time required to combine transfer edges: {round((time() - t4) / 60, 2)} minutes") print(breaker) return edges
[docs]def dump_edges_dict(edges: list, NETWORK_NAME: str) -> None: """ Saves the edges list as a pickle file Args: edges (list): list of tuples of format: [(from node id, to node id, weight)] NETWORK_NAME (str): name of the network Returns: None Examples: >>> dump_edges_dict(edges, 'anaheim') """ print("Saving edges file") with open(f"./Data/time_expanded/{NETWORK_NAME}/TE_{NETWORK_NAME[2:]}_edges.pkl", "wb") as file: pickle.dump(edges, file) return None
[docs]def dump_graph_dict(edges: list, NETWORK_NAME: str, nodes_dict: dict) -> None: """ Builds and saves a networkx multigraph object. Args: edges: list of edges. Format: [(from stop, to stop, weight)] NETWORK_NAME (str): name of the network nodes_dict (dict): mapping dictionary. Format: {(stop id, arrival time): new node id} Returns: None Examples: >>> dump_graph_dict(edges, 'anaheim', nodes_dict) """ print("Building and saving graph object") G = nx.MultiDiGraph() G.add_weighted_edges_from(edges) del (edges) del (nodes_dict) with open(f"./Data/time_expanded/{NETWORK_NAME}/graph_{NETWORK_NAME}", 'wb') as file: pickle.dump(G, file) print(f"TE graph for {NETWORK_NAME}: \n Nodes {G.number_of_nodes()} \n Edges {G.number_of_edges()}") print(breaker) return None
[docs]def main() -> None: """ Main function Returns: None Examples: >>> main() """ temp = stop_times_file[['stop_id', 'arrival_time']].drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True) nodes_dict = {stop_stamp: idx for idx, stop_stamp in enumerate(list(zip(temp['stop_id'], temp['arrival_time'])), 1)} trip_edges = add_edges_for_trips(stop_times_file, nodes_dict) foot_connections = add_edges_for_footpaths(stop_times_file, nodes_dict, transfers_file) transfer_edges = add_transfer_edges(stop_times_file, nodes_dict) edges = combine_edges(trip_edges, foot_connections, transfer_edges) dump_edges_dict(edges, NETWORK_NAME) dump_graph_dict(edges, NETWORK_NAME, nodes_dict) end = (time() - start_time) / 60 print(f"Total Time: {round(end, 2)} minutes") return None
if __name__ == '__main__': with open(f'./parameters_entered.txt', 'rb') as file: parameter_files = pickle.load(file) BUILD_TRANSFER, NETWORK_NAME, BUILD_TBTR_FILES, BUILD_TRANSFER_PATTERNS_FILES, BUILD_CSA = parameter_files # BUILD_TRANSFER, NETWORK_NAME, BUILD_TBTR_FILES = 1, "anaheim", 1 BUILD_TE = 1 if BUILD_TE == 1: breaker, start_time, GENERATE_LOGFILE = initialize() stops_file, trips_file, stop_times_file, transfers_file, stops_dict, stoptimes_dict, footpath_dict, routes_by_stop_dict, idx_by_route_stop_dict, routesindx_by_stop_dict = read_testcase( NETWORK_NAME) if GENERATE_LOGFILE == 1: sys.stdout = open(f'./logs/TE_builder_{NETWORK_NAME}', 'w') main()