Source code for miscellaneous_func

Module contains miscellaneous functions used for reading data, printing logo etc.
import os
import pickle
from random import sample

import networkx as nx
import pandas as pd

[docs]def read_testcase(NETWORK_NAME: str) -> tuple: """ Reads the GTFS network and preprocessed dict. If the dicts are not present, dict_builder_functions are called to construct them. Args: NETWORK_NAME (str): name of the network Returns: stops_file (pandas.dataframe): stops.txt file in GTFS. trips_file (pandas.dataframe): trips.txt file in GTFS. stop_times_file (pandas.dataframe): stop_times.txt file in GTFS. transfers_file (pandas.dataframe): dataframe with transfers (footpath) details. stops_dict (dict): keys: route_id, values: list of stop id in the route_id. Format-> dict[route_id] = [stop_id] stoptimes_dict (dict): keys: route ID, values: list of trips in the increasing order of start time. Format-> dict[route_ID] = [trip_1, trip_2] where trip_1 = [(stop id, arrival time), (stop id, arrival time)] footpath_dict (dict): keys: from stop_id, values: list of tuples of form (to stop id, footpath duration). Format-> dict[stop_id]=[(stop_id, footpath_duration)] route_by_stop_dict_new (dict): keys: stop_id, values: list of routes passing through the stop_id. Format-> dict[stop_id] = [route_id] idx_by_route_stop_dict (dict): preprocessed dict. Format {(route id, stop id): stop index in route}. Examples: >>> NETWORK_NAME = './anaheim' >>> read_testcase('NETWORK_NAME') """ import gtfs_loader from dict_builder import dict_builder_functions stops_file, trips_file, stop_times_file, transfers_file = gtfs_loader.load_all_db(NETWORK_NAME) if not os.path.exists(f'./dict_builder/{NETWORK_NAME}/'): os.makedirs(f'./dict_builder/{NETWORK_NAME}/') try: stops_dict, stoptimes_dict, footpath_dict, routes_by_stop_dict, idx_by_route_stop_dict, routesindx_by_stop_dict = gtfs_loader.load_all_dict( NETWORK_NAME) except FileNotFoundError: print("Building required dictionaries") stops_dict = dict_builder_functions.build_save_stops_dict(stop_times_file, trips_file, NETWORK_NAME) stoptimes_dict = dict_builder_functions.build_save_stopstimes_dict(stop_times_file, trips_file, NETWORK_NAME) routes_by_stop_dict = dict_builder_functions.build_save_route_by_stop(stop_times_file, NETWORK_NAME) footpath_dict = dict_builder_functions.build_save_footpath_dict(transfers_file, NETWORK_NAME) idx_by_route_stop_dict = dict_builder_functions.build_stop_idx_in_route(stop_times_file, NETWORK_NAME) routesindx_by_stop_dict = dict_builder_functions.build_routesindx_by_stop_dict(NETWORK_NAME) return stops_file, trips_file, stop_times_file, transfers_file, stops_dict, stoptimes_dict, footpath_dict, routes_by_stop_dict, idx_by_route_stop_dict, routesindx_by_stop_dict
[docs]def read_partitions(stop_times_file, NETWORK_NAME: str, no_of_partitions: int, weighting_scheme: str, partitioning_algorithm: str) -> tuple: """ Reads the fill-in information. Args: stop_times_file (pandas.dataframe): dataframe with stoptimes details NETWORK_NAME (str): name of the network no_of_partitions (int): number of partitions network has been divided into. weighting_scheme (str): which weighing scheme has been used to generate partitions. partitioning_algorithm (str):which algorithm has been used to generate partitions. Currently supported arguments are hmetis or kahypar. Returns: stop_out (dict) : key: stop-id (int), value: stop-cell id (int). Note: if stop-cell id of -1 denotes cut stop. route_groups (dict): key: tuple of all possible combinations of stop cell id, value: set of route ids belonging to the stop cell combination cut_trips (set): set of trip ids that are part of fill-in. trip_groups (dict): key: tuple of all possible combinations of stop cell id, value: set of trip ids belonging to the stop cell combination """ import itertools if partitioning_algorithm == "hmetis": route_out = pd.read_csv(f'./partitions/{NETWORK_NAME}/routeout_{weighting_scheme}_{no_of_partitions}.csv', usecols=['path_id', 'group']).groupby('group') stop_out = pd.read_csv(f'./partitions/{NETWORK_NAME}/cutstops_{weighting_scheme}_{no_of_partitions}.csv', usecols=['stop_id', 'g_id']) fill_ins = pd.read_csv(f'./partitions/{NETWORK_NAME}/fill_ins_{weighting_scheme}_{no_of_partitions}.csv') elif partitioning_algorithm == "kahypar": route_out = pd.read_csv(f'./kpartitions/{NETWORK_NAME}/routeout_{weighting_scheme}_{no_of_partitions}.csv', usecols=['path_id', 'group']).groupby( 'group') stop_out = pd.read_csv(f'./kpartitions/{NETWORK_NAME}/cutstops_{weighting_scheme}_{no_of_partitions}.csv', usecols=['stop_id', 'g_id']).astype(int) fill_ins = pd.read_csv(f'./kpartitions/{NETWORK_NAME}/fill_ins_{weighting_scheme}_{no_of_partitions}.csv') fill_ins.fillna(-1, inplace=True) fill_ins['routes'] = fill_ins['routes'].astype(int) print(f'_________Fill-in information for {len(set(stop_out.g_id)) - 1} Partition_________') print( f'Number of cutstops: {(len(stop_out[stop_out.g_id == -1]))} ({round((len(stop_out[stop_out.g_id == -1])) / (len(stop_out)) * 100, 2)}%)') stop_out = {row.stop_id: row.g_id for _, row in stop_out.iterrows()} cut_trips = set(fill_ins['trips']) route_partitions, trip_partitions = {}, {} for g_id, rotes in route_out: route_partitions[g_id] = set((rotes['path_id'])) trip_partitions[g_id] = set(stop_times_file[stop_times_file.route_id.isin(route_partitions[g_id])].trip_id) trip_partitions[-1] = set(fill_ins['trips']) grups = list(itertools.combinations(trip_partitions.keys(), 2)) trip_groups = {} for group in grups: trip_groups[tuple(sorted(group))] = trip_partitions[group[0]].union(trip_partitions[group[1]]).union( trip_partitions[-1]) for x in trip_partitions.keys(): trip_groups[(x, x)] = trip_partitions[x].union(trip_partitions[-1]) route_partitions[-1] = set(fill_ins['routes']) route_partitions[-1].remove(-1) route_groups = {} for group in grups: route_groups[tuple(sorted(group))] = route_partitions[group[0]].union(route_partitions[group[1]]).union( route_partitions[-1]) for x in route_partitions.keys(): route_groups[(x, x)] = route_partitions[x].union(route_partitions[-1]) print(f"fill-in trips: {len(cut_trips)} ({round(len(cut_trips) / len(set(stop_times_file.trip_id)) * 100, 2)}%)") print( f'fill-in routes: {len(set(fill_ins.routes)) - 1} ({round((len(set(fill_ins.routes)) - 1) / len(set(stop_times_file.route_id)) * 100, 2)}%)') print("____________________________________________________") return stop_out, route_groups, cut_trips, trip_groups
[docs]def read_nested_partitions(stop_times_file, NETWORK_NAME: str, no_of_partitions: int, weighting_scheme: str) -> tuple: """ Read fill-ins in case of nested partitioning. Args: stop_times_file (pandas.dataframe): dataframe with stoptimes details NETWORK_NAME (str): name of the network no_of_partitions (int): number of partitions network has been divided into. weighting_scheme (str): which weighing scheme has been used to generate partitions. Returns: stop_out (dict) : key: stop-id (int), value: stop-cell id (int). Note: if stop-cell id of -1 denotes cut stop. route_groups (dict): key: tuple of all possible combinations of stop cell id, value: set of route ids belonging to the stop cell combination cut_trips (set): set of trip ids that are part of fill-in. trip_groups (dict): key: tuple of all possible combinations of stop cell id, value: set of trip ids belonging to the stop cell combination """ import warnings from pandas.core.common import SettingWithCopyWarning warnings.simplefilter(action="ignore", category=SettingWithCopyWarning) import itertools main_partitions = no_of_partitions route_out = pd.read_csv(f'./kpartitions/{NETWORK_NAME}/nested/nested_route_out_{weighting_scheme}_{main_partitions}.csv') stop_out = pd.read_csv(f'./kpartitions/{NETWORK_NAME}/nested/nested_cutstops_{weighting_scheme}_{main_partitions}.csv') fill_ins = pd.read_csv(f'./kpartitions/{NETWORK_NAME}//nested/nested_fill_ins_{weighting_scheme}_{main_partitions}.csv') fill_ins.fillna(-1, inplace=True) fill_ins['routes'] = fill_ins['routes'].astype(int) temp = stop_out.drop(columns=['lat', 'long', 'boundary_g_id']) cut_stops_db = temp[temp.isin([-1]).any(axis=1)] # print(f'Upper Partition: {len(set(stop_out.g_id)) - 1} (2-way nesting)') # print(f'{len(cut_stops_db)} ({round((len(cut_stops_db)) / (len(stop_out)) * 100, 2)} Total cutstops%)') start = 0 normal_stops = stop_out[~stop_out.index.isin(cut_stops_db.index)] for x in set(normal_stops.g_id): normal_stops.loc[:, f"lower_cut_stops_{x}"] = normal_stops[f"lower_cut_stops_{x}"] + start start = start + 2 stop_out = {row.stop_id: row[f"lower_cut_stops_{row.g_id}"] for _, row in normal_stops.iterrows()} stop_out.update({stopp: -1 for stopp in set(cut_stops_db.stop_id)}) route_partitions, trip_partitions = {}, {} route_groups = route_out.groupby('group') for g_id, rotes in route_groups: route_partitions[g_id] = set((rotes['path_id'])) trip_partitions[g_id] = set(stop_times_file[stop_times_file.route_id.isin(route_partitions[g_id])].trip_id) trip_partitions[-1] = set(fill_ins['trips']) grups = list(itertools.combinations(trip_partitions.keys(), 2)) trip_groups = {} for group in grups: trip_groups[tuple(sorted(group))] = trip_partitions[group[0]].union(trip_partitions[group[1]]).union( trip_partitions[-1]) for x in trip_partitions.keys(): trip_groups[(x, x)] = trip_partitions[x].union(trip_partitions[-1]) route_partitions[-1] = set(fill_ins['routes']) route_partitions[-1].remove(-1) grups = list(itertools.combinations(route_partitions.keys(), 2)) route_groups = {} for group in grups: route_groups[tuple(sorted(group))] = route_partitions[group[0]].union(route_partitions[group[1]]).union( route_partitions[-1]) for x in route_partitions.keys(): route_groups[(x, x)] = route_partitions[x].union(route_partitions[-1]) cut_trips = set(fill_ins['trips']) return stop_out, route_groups, cut_trips, trip_groups
[docs]def check_nonoverlap(stoptimes_dict: dict, stops_dict: dict) -> set: ''' Check for non overlapping trips in stoptimes_dict. If found, it reduces the timestamp of the earlier trip by 1 second. This process is repeated until overlapping trips=null. Note 1 second is taken to avoid creation of new overlapping trips due to timestamp correction. Args: stoptimes_dict (dict): preprocessed dict. Format {route_id: [[trip_1], [trip_2]]}. stops_dict (dict): preprocessed dict. Format {route_id: [ids of stops in the route]}. Returns: overlap (set): set of routes with overlapping trips. Examples: >>> overlap = check_nonoverlap(stoptimes_dict, stops_dict) ''' for x in stops_dict.items(): if len(x[1]) != len(set(x[1])): print(f'duplicates stops in a route {x}') overlap = set() # Collect routes with non-overlapping trips for r_idx, route_trips in stoptimes_dict.items(): for x in range(len(route_trips) - 1): first_trip = route_trips[x] second_trip = route_trips[x + 1] if any([second_trip[idx][1] <= first_trip[idx][1] for idx, stamp in enumerate(first_trip)]): overlap = overlap.union({r_idx}) if overlap: print(f"{len(overlap)} have overlapping trips") while overlap: for r_idx in overlap: # Correct routes with non-overlapping trips route_trips = stoptimes_dict[r_idx].copy() for x in range(len(route_trips) - 1): first_trip = route_trips[x] second_trip = route_trips[x + 1] for idx, _ in enumerate(first_trip): if second_trip[idx][1] <= first_trip[idx][1]: stoptimes_dict[r_idx][x][idx] = (second_trip[idx][0], second_trip[idx][1] - pd.to_timedelta(1, unit="seconds")) overlap = set() # Collect (again) routes with non-overlapping trips for r_idx, route_trips in stoptimes_dict.items(): for x in range(len(route_trips) - 1): first_trip = route_trips[x] second_trip = route_trips[x + 1] if any([second_trip[idx][1] <= first_trip[idx][1] for idx, stamp in enumerate(first_trip)]): overlap = overlap.union({r_idx}) if overlap: print(f"{len(overlap)} have overlapping trips") return overlap
[docs]def get_full_trans(NETWORK_NAME: str, time_limit) -> None: ''' Make the footpath graph transitively close and saves it in the form of transfer_dict Note: time_limit="full" means consider all footpaths Args: NETWORK_NAME (str): Network NETWORK_NAME time_limit (str/int): maximum footpath duration to be considered (before footpath graph is made transitively closed) Returns: None Examples: >>> get_full_trans('anaheim', 180) ''' # print('editing transfers') transfers_file = pd.read_csv(f'Data/GTFS/{NETWORK_NAME[2:]}/transfers.txt', sep=',') ini_len = len(transfers_file) # print(f"initial graph transfer {len(transfers_file)}") if time_limit != "full": transfers_file = transfers_file[transfers_file.min_transfer_time < time_limit].reset_index(drop=True) G = nx.Graph() edges = list(zip(transfers_file.from_stop_id, transfers_file.to_stop_id, transfers_file.min_transfer_time)) G.add_weighted_edges_from(edges) connected = [c for c in nx.connected_components(G)] for tree in connected: for SOURCE in tree: for desti in tree: if SOURCE != desti and (SOURCE, desti) not in G.edges(): G.add_edge(SOURCE, desti, weight=nx.dijkstra_path_length(G, SOURCE, desti)) footpath = list(G.edges(data=True)) reve_edges = [(x[1], x[0], x[-1]) for x in G.edges(data=True)] footpath.extend(reve_edges) footpath_db = pd.DataFrame(footpath) footpath_db[2] = footpath_db[2].apply(lambda x: list(x.values())[0]) footpath_db.rename(columns={0: "from_stop_id", 1: "to_stop_id", 2: "min_transfer_time"}, inplace=True) footpath_db.to_csv(f'./GTFS/{NETWORK_NAME}/transfers_full.csv', index=False) if len(footpath_db) != ini_len: print(f"initial graph transfer {len(transfers_file)}") print(f"full graph transfer {len(footpath_db)}") print(f"check") transfers_dict = {} g = footpath_db.groupby("from_stop_id") for from_stop, details in g: transfers_dict[from_stop] = [] for _, row in details.iterrows(): transfers_dict[from_stop].append( (row.to_stop_id, pd.to_timedelta(float(row.min_transfer_time), unit='seconds'))) with open(f'./dict_builder/{NETWORK_NAME}/transfers_dict_full.pkl', 'wb') as pickle_file: pickle.dump(transfers_dict, pickle_file) return None
[docs]def check_footpath(footpath_dict: dict) -> None: ''' Check if the footpaths are transitively close. Prints error if not. Args: footpath_dict: Pre-processed dict- format {from_stop_id: [(to_stop_id, footpath_time)]} Returns: None Examples: >>> check_footpath(footpath_dict) ''' edges = [] for from_s, to_s in footpath_dict.items(): to_s, _ = zip(*to_s) edges.extend([(from_s, x) for x in to_s]) G = nx.Graph() G.add_edges_from(edges) connected = [c for c in nx.connected_components(G)] for connected_comp in connected: for SOURCE in connected_comp: for desti in connected_comp: if SOURCE == desti: continue if (SOURCE, desti) not in G.edges(): print(SOURCE, desti) raise Exception("Transitive Error in footpath dict") return None
[docs]def get_random_od(routes_by_stop_dict: dict, NETWORK_NAME: str) -> None: """ Generate Random OD pairs. Args: routes_by_stop_dict (dict): preprocessed dict. Format {stop_id: [id of routes passing through stop]}. NETWORK_NAME (str): Network NETWORK_NAME Returns: None Examples: >>> get_random_od(routes_by_stop_dict, 'anaheim') """ random_od_db = pd.DataFrame(columns=["SOURCE", "DESTINATION"]) desired_len = 100000 stop_list = list(routes_by_stop_dict.keys()) while len(random_od_db) < desired_len: temp = pd.DataFrame(set(zip(sample(stop_list, 5000), sample(stop_list, 5000))), columns=["SOURCE", "DESTINATION"]) random_od_db = random_od_db.append(temp, ignore_index=True).drop_duplicates() random_od_db = random_od_db[random_od_db['SOURCE'] != random_od_db['DESTINATION']].reset_index(drop=True) random_od_db.iloc[:desired_len].to_csv(f"./GTFS/{NETWORK_NAME[2:]}_randomOD.csv", index=False) print(f"{NETWORK_NAME} random OD saved") return None
[docs]def load_TE_graph(NETWORK_NAME: str, stop_times_file)-> tuple: """ Loads the Time expanded Graph Args: NETWORK_NAME (str): name of the network stop_times_file (pandas.dataframe): stop_times.txt file in GTFS. Returns: G: NetworkX graph object. Time exapnded graph stops_group: pandas.groupby object. stopevent_mapping (dict): mapping dictionary. Format: {(stop id, arrival time): new node id} Examples: >>> G, stops_group, stopevent_mapping = load_TE_graph('anaheim', stop_times_file) """ try: with open(f"./Data/time_expanded/graph_{NETWORK_NAME[2:]}", 'rb') as file: G = pickle.load(file) stops_group = stop_times_file.groupby('stop_id') temp = stop_times_file[['stop_id', 'arrival_time']].drop_duplicates().reset_index(drop=True) stopevent_mapping = {x[1]: x[0] for x in enumerate(list(zip(temp['stop_id'], temp['arrival_time'])), 1)} return G, stops_group, stopevent_mapping except FileNotFoundError: print("Time expanded files missing")
[docs]def load_CSA(NETWORK_NAME: str): """ Loads the connection list for CSA Args: NETWORK_NAME (str): name of the network Returns: connections_list (list): list of tuples. format: [(from stop, to stop, from time, to time, trip id)]. Examples: >>> connections_list = load_CSA('anaheim') """ try: with open(f'./Data/CSA/{NETWORK_NAME}/connections_list_pkl.pkl', 'rb') as file: connections_list = pickle.load(file) return connections_list except FileNotFoundError: print("CSA preprocessing missing")
[docs]def load_TBTR(NETWORK_NAME: str)-> tuple: """ Loads the trip-transfer dict for TBTR Args: NETWORK_NAME (str): name of the network Returns: trip_transfer_dict (nested dict): keys: id of trip we are transferring from, value: {stop number: list of tuples trip_set (set): set of trip ids from which trip-transfers are available. Examples: >>> trip_transfer_dict, trip_set = load_TBTR('anaheim') """ try: with open(f'./Data/TBTR/{NETWORK_NAME}/TBTR_trip_transfer_dict.pkl', 'rb') as file: trip_transfer_dict = pickle.load(file) trip_set = set(trip_transfer_dict.keys()) return trip_transfer_dict, trip_set except FileNotFoundError: print("TBTR preprocessing missing")